In this show hosts Neil Shuck and Mike Hobbs are once again joined by regular podcast listener and sometime gaming opponent Shaun Randall. For the main part of the show we review Saga: Age of Magic from Studio Tomahawk.
00:00 – Introduction -We welcome back Mike after a bout of illness
10:10 – Confessional – Time to own up to all those hobby purchases we have made recently, and to gaze longingly at other shiny toys
48:41 – Our Hobby – We talk about our recent gaming and painting, including UBoot: The Board Game and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition
1:29:04- Saga: Age of Magic – We take an in-depth look at this latest expansion to the popular tabletop wargame
2:16:37 – Outtro – Closing thoughts, including a chat about the War of the Worlds Experience.
We hope you enjoy the show.