This Sunday you can see the Bad Squiddo team and the ever beautiful painted display minis from Freyja's Wrath in the flesh at Vapnartak. It'll be the last few days of the campaign by then, so a big push would be great!
Of course there will be the usual goodies, but remember we don't have the whole load at Vapnartak - we'll have all the Bad Squiddo minis and a small selection of other manufacturers, but no giant spinner of Frostgrave etc. So please so pre order!
It's my birthday show, well the birthday is a few days later but close enough to milk sales with "but it's my birrrrrthhhdayyy!!" TWENTY EIGHT.
Working the stand will be myself twirls, Lillian and Paul. They're pretty pro now so don't be afraid to approach them with questions or slap them with cash. Paul is the guy who's been working incredible extra hours to get the shieldmaidens painted, so give him a nice gentle pat on the back! Lillian is... my mum, which is a stressful occupation by itself.
When you've all spent up on shieldmaidens, make sure to head over to Gripping Beast, pester them about SAGA II and get some chapmaidens too. Make sure to lick Lord S' hand.