The Everliving Sorceress got a paint job!

Nothing makes a miniature pop out more than an amazing paint job. This is why we had a professional put his skills on Abigail! We are really glad with the result as the painting makes all the tiny details on the miniature come alive and stand out in a photo. We hope you like both the sculpt and the painting!

Stretch goals & KS Exclusive details!

The Kickstarter campaign is funded over 1000% and more than 15 new miniatures have been added to it as free stretch goals, add-ons or Kickstarter Exclusives. No matter the pledge you have chosen, all of them will become available in the Pledge manager as well for you to pick & add to your final pledge! Below you can see them all side by side, with scale on the left, so you might have a better idea of the dimensions and decide what fits best at your table!

The Crippled God Foundry Team