Badger Games is pleased to announce the release and planned expansion of  RavenClaw Miniatures’ Sci-Fi miniatures range. The Blixx are a diminutive Oligarchic race who foster and control and empire through the use of socially-engineered, one-eyed soldiers…the Clopsen. The wonderful figures for this range were sculpted by the very talented Mr. Nicolas Genovese.

To celebrate this exciting and expanding range, Badger is running a painting competition with what we feel is a unique take to it. The contest and rules are described below:

  • Applicants are asked to contact Badger Games directly at [email protected].
  • The first 50 contacts will receive the pictured miniature and a 30mm Litko base shipped anywhere in the world for free. This miniature and this base must be used to qualify for submission. We consider it a gentleman’s/gentlewoman’s agreement that the miniature will be painted, based and returned for participation in the contest (this is not just a “free Miniature” deal). No Miniatures will be shipped after February 15, 2019.
  • Miniatures are to be painted and based by the contestants themselves.
  • The miniature may not be converted. The base may not be augmented or built up beyond standard basing (addition of sand, grassing, foliage, etc.).
  • The winner will be decided by a blind vote (identity of the painter unknown) by the attendees of Adepticon 2019 in Schammburg, IL (suburban Chicago). All with have equal position in a Plexiglas display case at the Badger Games Booth in the Exhibitor’s Hall at Adepticon and voting will be allowed once per voter/attendee for the entire convention. Number of votes will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd
  • Miniatures may be delivered directly to our Booth at Adepticon by 11:00 AM opening day (Thursday, March 28, 2019) or alternately must be delivered to us by Friday, March 15, 2019 via the postal service). Entrant is responsible for return postage if required.
  • All miniatures submitted for judging become the property of Badger Games LLC (that is the gamble of the contest). All entrants who submit a painted and based miniature (must be painted and based) will receive a $10.00 gift card good for use towards the purchase of any Badger Games merchandise.


The Prizes:

1st Place: A $200.00 Badger Games gift card and your painting scheme will be used by our house painters for a Blixx/Clopsen army to be displayed at the 2020 Adepticon.

2nd Place: A $100.00 Badger Games gift card.

3rd Place: A $50.00 Badger Games gift card.