Hi folks, just a quick update on things during these troubled times.

I’m still able to get to the studio for now though I have reduced the time I’m spending there while the country is in almost total lockdown. Even though I travel the short distance to work completely alone and spend my time there similarly, I didn’t feel comfortable being out while others are doing the right thing and staying home.
This of course is causing delays to the processing of orders. I can only apologise for this and I’d like to thank everyone for their patience. These are unprecedented times and the majority of people quite understand that things are far from ‘normal’.
I am, like every other small business owner out there, worried about what the future holds for us. Small independent businesses like ours don’t have the financial backing to weather events like these and I’m sincerely hoping that customers old and new will continue to support us throughout this difficult time.
This evening I will be discounting prices across the range. These will stay in effect until such time that things return to some form of normality.

I’ve decided upon this for two reasons. One, to compensate you as a customer for the delays you will face in receiving your items, and two, to hopefully encourage you to continue to purchase throughout the lockdown.
Please, continue to support small, independent businesses during this time, every order however small makes a difference.
Most importantly I’d like to send my best wishes to everyone out there.
Please keep yourself and your loved ones safe and let’s all try and look forward to better times ahead.

Best wishes