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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I have decided to gather my Mordheim models and spares and start putting together a WFB 3rd edition mini army in 25mm.

    I don’t much like painting 25mm as it takes an age, but I figured if I aim for about 50 figures total for the force, then I should be able to get it all done in about a year at 1 model per week.
    Also I have been putting off BOYL as I feel like a bit of a fraud for doing 3rd edition in 10/12mm, and I do want to go to BOYL at some point, but just not with unofficial models in a teeny scale. etc.

    So, I am still playing Mordheim but when that is done (maybe before) I will rebase them so I can have some extra models.

    The plan is a unit of Helblitzen, a unit of Armbrustschutzen and a unit of Ersatzsolder with swords and shields.
    Then a general type, and a wizardy type (which may be a drunk priest of Taal).

    I have cobbled together the spares into the starts of a Helblitzen unit and have about 5 more on the way from a dude on FB:

    And I shall be incorporating these:

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    BOYL ???

    Avatar photoMike

    Bring Out Your Lead. The definitive Oldhammer Event.


    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    Not sure why you would feel like a fraud, mini hammer is definitely a thing and there are quite a few gamers playing in 10mm.

    Nevertheless, you will probably find more opponents if you play in 25mm.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I dunno, I think if I was playing Warmaster then less so.
    Anyway, it is giving me rose flavoured good feelings assembling a ‘proper’ oldhammer force.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So after buying just a few models and sorting out what I already had, I am not far off from having a tiny Stirland force.

    The final line up will be.

    15 Helblitzen
    10 Erzatsolder
    5 Woodsmen
    5 Armbrustschutzen

    1 drunk wizard/priest
    1 Captain.

    Once complete in probably about a year, I will expand the units to enbiggen them.

    To get to the current final plan I need.

    A guy to hold the banner for the Helblitzen.
    3 Erzatsolder with swords and shields
    2 Woodsmen
    1 Cool Armbrustschutzen as the main leader chap.

    So just 7 more models to get to my Oldhammer force.

    Woop, not too bad.
    40 ish figures with about 33 to paint, so maybe all done by Christmas?

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    … maybe all done by Christmas?

    Folks – note no year given – typical gamer target as it allows for the normal project creep 🙂 🙂

    I do like the drunk wizard – the flagellant figures was a group I always wanted to field but then they went ‘silly’ in plastic and even worse in 40K. They still gave the odd nice one (the one in the pillory being #1) and some nice 3D ones are out now.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Yeah I liked those early fleglers but as with so much of GW, the more modern it is the less I like its look.
    I have mentioned elsewhere, no doubt on a number of occasions that the setting has gone from pseudo-historical fantasy to high world of warcraft DnD fantasy, which for my money makes it as uninteresting as all the others.

    That model is a conversion from the original which was intended as a Morrite priest, hence the hourglass on the holy tome, but Taal seems more in keeping with Stirland, nit by much, but by a bit?
    So I may need to re-do the book. Again…

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