There will be a small price increase coming on 1st February, affecting the bulk of our infantry, cavalry and artillery packs, taking them from £5.25 to £5.50 per pack. This adds a little less than 1p to an infantry figure, and just under 2p to a cavalry figure. There will not be any price changes to our vehicles, WWII-onwards artillery packs, or our flagsheets. Pricing on custom orders will also remain at the same rate of 20p per foot / 40p per mounted as well.

There will also be a small increase on the Vallejo paints, from £2.30 --> £2.35 per 18ml pot.

We only put our prices up when it's a necessary change and this time is no different. Whilst the metal prices have stabilised over the past year or two, other areas like shipping costs and utility bills have continued to increase by a few % each year. There's also a 6% increase coming on the minimum wage this April so we'll need to make sure that all of our staff get a pay rise (we've got a great bunch of employees and already pay above the minimum, but we want to keep ahead of the curve).

As a rough guide, the price increase is a little under 5% and will look like this:

Regular 30 foot / 15 cav / 3 gun + crew packs = £5.25 --> £5.50
WWII-onwards 10-man foot packs = £1.75 --> £1.85
Army packs = £33.00 --> £34.00

These changes keep us around the middle of the pricing range for 10mm in the current market, there's a few higher than us and a few lower. We'll be continuing to plough somewhere close to £10k per year into new product ranges, as well as adding more pro-painted photos to our website and continuing to bring the order turnaround times down further (we're currently at around 5 days on average). Combined with our extensive catalogue and customer service, we hope that you still find us value for money and keep supporting us!

So there's 3 weeks before the increase, make sure to get your orders in before Feb 1st!