We'd planned to have these ready for release last month but they're here now, all 17 variants!  The FV432 is one of the most common AFVs used by the British army since its introduction in the 1960s.  The later Mk 3 variant is still in use today, most notably in Ukraine.

We've got several variants in both Mk 1 and Mk 2 options, including regular APC, mortar carrier, Wombat (recoilless rifle), command, engineer, Ranger (mine layer) and with the Peak turret.  We've also done the FV433 Abbot (105mm SPG), FV438 (Swingfire) and the FV436 (Radar), so more than enough to pack out your British army!

Modern Vehicles
MDV95    FV432 Mk 1 APC    £3.20
MDV96    FV432 Mk 1, 81mm mortar    £3.20
MDV97    FV432 Mk 1, Wombat    £3.20
MDV98    FV432 Mk 1, Command    £3.20
MDV99    FV432 Mk 1, Engineer    £3.20
MDV100    FV432 Mk 1, Ranger    £3.20
MDV101    FV432 Mk 1, Peak Turret    £3.20
MDV102    FV432 Mk 2-1, APC    £3.20
MDV103    FV432 Mk 2-1, 81mm mortar    £3.20
MDV104    FV432 Mk 2-1, Wombat    £3.20
MDV105    FV432 Mk 2-1, Command    £3.20
MDV106    FV432 Mk 2-1, Engineer    £3.20
MDV107    FV432 Mk 2-1, Ranger    £3.20
MDV108    FV432 Mk 2-1, Peak Turret    £3.20
MDV109    FV433, Abbot    £3.20
MDV110    FV438, Swingfire    £3.20
MDV111    FV436, Radar    £3.20


And some pics:

FV432 Mk 1, APC

FV432 Mk 1, Wombat

FV432 Mk 1, Ranger

FV432 Mk2/1, 81mm mortar

FV433 Abbot

We've got a couple more vehicles to come very soon and then we'll be switching attention over to the Sci-Fi stuff!