We’ll start today with some hot-off-the-press news – due to an issue with the venue, this year’s Hereward wargames show, which should have been on the 8th of September, has unfortunately had to be cancelled. This is a shame for the organisers (and not their fault at all) but hopefully it will be back next year. Coupled with the loss of SELWG, our show calendar for the second half of the year is now looking very thin indeed.
We’ve also been updating our shipping charges, in particular those to the USA. Customers there will now find slightly lower shipping charges, with the added bonus that it’s also now fully tracked (a feature of Royal Mail pricing is that tracked services to the US are now cheaper than untracked – don’t ask us why, we don’t know !). Sorry Rest of the World, this only applies to the USA, everyone else remains unchanged.
Our ever-growing range of 6mm desert buildings gets some more additions this week. There are three new buildings – the Emporium (a high end luxury shop), a Low Tower and the Outpost, plus a very useful short length of wall with walkway to fit our fortified town walls.
B300-127 – Emporium – £1.75
B300-155 – Low Tower – £2.50
B300-811 – Outpost – £3.00
B300-194 – Short Walls with Walkway (x4) – £3.50
If Tony gets a wriggle on, some of these buildings might feature on the Hammer’s Slammers game at Joy of Six in a couple of weeks. If you want to pick up some on the day you can, or even order then in advance from the website (remember to use the ‘Pickup at Show’ shipping option).