New in the webshop is the recently previewed British Swiftsure class cruiser. This stealth-equipped light cruiser has twin heavy railguns and high speed allowing for fast hit-and-run tactics.
New in the webshop is the recently previewed British Swiftsure class cruiser. This stealth-equipped light cruiser has twin heavy railguns and high speed allowing for fast hit-and-run tactics.
2 thoughts on “British Swiftsure Cruiser”
26/11/2014 at 12:59
That is some nice painting on there.
Defiant, good name.
I suspect Badass would be more accurate though!
26/11/2014 at 14:01
Dom’s Decals again – ‘Definat’ comes from their 15mm British Tank names sheet (I’m going to badger him to do some other sets of names).