Over at Wargame Vault EZPainter has reduced all titles.

Now you can grab the ENTIRE GGA (Ancient historical battles) catalogue (that’s three rulebooks, army cards, a quickplay sheet and more) for just £10.00, a crazy bargain!

If ancient battles isn’t your thing take a dive even deeper into history with CRETACEA the game of gargantuan survival and battle your way through the cretaceous period with dinosaur miniatures or toys for just £7.00

Jump over to the page and check out these fantastic discounts.

Why are they doing this? Simply put in the owners words “Since these were Kickstarter games we covered most of our costs in the campaign, and given that we are a very bohemian and small company it doesn’t make sense to keep overcharging for games that ought to be enjoyed by veterans and intro gamers alike, so in our eyes the few quid we lose here and there compares none to the magnitude of the positive impact it has to have good quality games such as these, available to the public for a very low price.”

Alternatively grab a paper copy of either from the Paint.Play.Enjoy website direct and be the proud owner of some of the quirkiest home produced games.