It's our final day of the '10 Days of Shiny!'

For the last release in this run we've got a little expansion of our Elizabethan range. Some of you might recognise these figures from Dave's own project last year, so we've done a deal and brought them into our range instead. We've got extra poses of arquebusiers, musketeers and pikemen, as well as mounted arquebusiers, command and the oft-requested jinetes!

EL3 Arquebusiers £5.50
EL17 Halberdier £5.50
EL18 Pikemen, unarmoured £5.50
EL19 Musketeers, type 2 £5.50
EL20 Mounted arquebusier £5.50
EL21 Genitor £5.50
EL22 Mounted command £5.50

And some pics:

EL3 - Arquebusiers

EL19 - Musketeers, type 2

EL20 - Mounted arquebusier

EL21 - Jinetes

EL22 - Mounted command

We hope you've all enjoyed these recent releases and have found something useful, interesting or at the very least, shiny! We've got a lot of stuff still in the pipeline at Pendraken HQ so we'll put out a quick summary of where we are with it all this weekend. In the meantime, enjoy!