Home Forums WWII 10mm WW2 Allied Project

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  • #150594
    Avatar photomadaxeman

    The “refurbish and replace” campaign for my WW2 Blitzkrieg Commander collection is now gathering pace.

    Or, put another way, painting stripes on German tanks is a right PITA so I have given myself a break and instead managed to bash out the entire allied contingent in a week or so as they have no cammo at all! The end result is a force containing models and figures from Pithead, Pendraken, Victrix, Butlers Printed Models, Minifigs and Arrowhead, all of which have been painted in a fetching and thankfully simple Bronze Green + drybrush scheme and based using my new basing system of stained sand on mdf bases.

    There are loads more photos of these models on the Madaxeman website as well as a whole page of the Germans too

    (I did cheat a little by using the Vallejo German Track colour, but hopefully no-one will notice….)

    Victrix Shermans




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