Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War 12mm small ACW game (Mill Creek)

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  • #162441
    Avatar photoNorm S

    Another go at the fictitious Mill Creek scenario for an 1863 ACW game with 12mm figures on a 4′ x 3′ 8″ table.

    3 Confederate brigades attack 2 Union brigades and they must achieve their objectives before the Union reinforcement brigade arrives.

    The scenario was intended as a solution to learn the basics of new rules quickly in a small format game.

    An AAR is up on the blog LINK


    Avatar photoMike

    Hi, what river was it, the ‘wide’ ones?

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Hi Mike, I think it is wide because I have their bridge WBR2 to match and this is for wide rivers. The waterway is 48mm wide and total width including banks is 62mm, which when looking at the website is ‘close enough’ to what they say.

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