Home Forums WWII 15mm Bolt Action

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    Avatar photoMick A

    I normally play Bolt Action in 15mm on a 6’x4′ table as the ranges etc seem more realistic but I only get to play once a week at the local club due to having no room at home for a 6’x4′ (the pleasures of living in a small one bedroom flat with the mehmsahib), but tonight I will be trying it out on a 2’x3′ area using cm instead of inches. I’m hoping this will be roughly the same as 28mm game on a 6’x4′ and if it plays well it means I can start playing Bolt Action at home ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoGraham Minshaw

    How did the game go? I am tempted to try this in !y li!ited space too and it would give me the chance to raise small cheapish forces too.


    Avatar photoMick A

    Check out the ‘Mini Early War Game’ thread Graham ๐Ÿ™‚

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