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    Avatar photoMike

    Tricky I know, but what would you say was your best hobby purchase of last year?

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Simple one for me, the tanks that go with my Cuties.

    One of those things I always wanted to have but had never managed to find despite hundreds of google searches. And then I find them here in passing in a thread and it turns out they are cheaper than I could have dreamed of. Thank you Russel, thank you TWW, between you you made my year. 🙂

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Rules for Horizon Wars.  Great game in itself, but also seems to have helped to kick off a sci fi renaissance around the club.  Score and score!

    Avatar photozippyfusenet

    My copy of the Worthington Games/Plastic Soldier Company Hold The Line Reboot Kickstarter with all the add-ons came in the mail last week. Now it’s all put together and ready to go this weekend. A complete miniatures wargame in a box (well, two boxes and a couple of baggies), minimal assembly required. Schweet.


    Of course it needs a couple of doo-dads added, I’m working on mounted leaders for the Indians and Rangers.

    I found some good stuff at flea markets this year, but I paid full retail for this one, and it’s worth it.



    You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Odd though it may sound, various terrain-making materials for modelling vegetation and other elements of the natural world, much of it bought in one huge order from Antenocitis Workshop. I have an incurable obsession with terrain-crafting, so having amassed a hoard of terrain materials of every sort I can afford makes me feel strangely at peace. The hoard has grown to the size that it’s become difficult to store, but I don’t care. Soon I can bury myself Smaug-like under packets of Woodland Scenics, MiniNatur and Noch foliage, and sleep there dreaming the dreams of a miniature demiurge.

    These didn’t come cheap, there was no fortuitous bargain, but having this hoard makes me feel… safe, you know?

    Avatar photoMartinR

    Best purchase was a heavily discounted PSC US Armoured Company box, I reckon it worked out at around £1.50 per vehicle….

    But the most useful thing wasn’t something I bought, but made, some new river sections (from stained clear pastic) to replace my tatty old bits of blue felt. Fantastic, and will (hopefully) last a couple of decades.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoDM

    A large collection of 1/600 ACW ships, very well painted and based, for not very much. Worked out at just over £3 per ship

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    Simple one for me, the tanks that go with my Cuties.

    That has made my day 🙂

    I think my best purchase was probably a bunch of 20mm AFVs from The Works at £2 each. Some were swapped for other vehicles and infantry, some I’ll keep, and some I’ll probably put on eBay when I eventually get around to it.

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    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    I made a lot of good purchases this year – some rules (ok, a lot of rules but only some were good, the rest OK), some miniatures, some terrain.  My standout purchase must be The Department – Goalsystem Noir Investigation Skirmish (bu Four-Colour Studios) as the GoalSystem dice mechanism was what I was seeking for my WW2 rules, and it also led me to other GoalSystem rules.  I am currently infatuated with Chaos in Cairo and plan to (hopefully) run some games of it with my children, but also incorporating the Pulp Alley Solo Deck.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Mine has to be this purchase here: 200x 28mm miniatures and two vehicles for GBP12.00 is not too bad. I have managed to repair most of the figures, but still have lots of painting to do.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoPatG

    Several boxes of 1/72 plastic WWII figures and a couple of vehicles for my Chain of Command on the cheap project. Looking back over 2016, I really didn’t buy much at all. However Santa gave me a 1/56 English pub which will be the base of operations for my home guard force. 🙂

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Tumbling Dice 1/2400 galleys and the Poseidon’s Warriors rules. Been having a lot of fun with an era and a game genre I hadn’t really considered until 2016.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    A load of 28mm terrain bought from The Last Valley at a wargame show. It is not my most useful at this point in time, but it was probably the thing that brought the greatest pleasure at the time of purchase.

    Avatar photowillz

    A shed load of Spencer Smith plastic 30mm 18th century figures, even more 28mm RSM’s metal 18th century figures, Adeptus Titanicus GW board game (Sadly sold my original one 25 years ago) .

    Avatar photoOldNick

    For 2016 finding the Knuckleduster Miniature War of 1812 line.  Wonderful figures, great detail and character.  But easy to paint and a joy to see marching across your table.  Started my long Wanted project of the Niagara 1814 campaign.  Americans (almost) done, British/Canadian forces started!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    My cordless Dremal …yeah I know not toys but it’s been so useful to me.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    I think that Horizon Wars must be it for me, I’ve gotten a ton of inspiration and fun games out of that ruleset during last year!

    Avatar photoJohn D Salt

    Victoria Dickson wrote:

    Simple one for me, the tanks that go with my Cuties.

    It’s good to know who the market is for this sort of thing. I wonder if the manufacturers realise that there are custmers who will buy them by the squadron, though?

    For myself, the purchase (made with game shop vouchers given to me as a birthday present by my niece) that has had the most play value is a copy of “Command and Colors” Ancients. An evening’s activity with niece Georgina sticking stickers on blocks, and she has persuaded her boyfriend to play, too. I think she is waiting for me to remember to bring Memoir ’44 aong, so she can beat the boyfriend at it the same way she beats her Uncle Beard.

    All the best,



    2000 Airfix Civil War figures

    Avatar photoshelldrake

    I am going to go with the FiveCore 3rd edition rules – they have revolutionised my gaming<b>.</b>

    Following that, maybe the MDF buildings I purchased for my 28mm games… I never have enough scenery.

    Avatar photoian pillay

    My Ion Age items and Tanks the skirmish game. My little lad loves it. Are amongst my favourite things purchased last year.

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    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    This is really tough…my new Baccus 6mm British and German WW2 forces perhaps.

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Yes, I just have to be iconoclastic sometimes…

    Has to be the two free giveaways I had.  I put boxs of figures and piles of boardgames and a stack of game mats out twice last year and the only rules were -you pick it up and it’s free plus you must have a use for it in mind other than hoarding.

    I did take some pictures of both days before people showed up.  Maybe I will post them.

    It was very freeing to unload game materials I was not going to get done.

    The only thing better I did in 2016 was retire from the DOD/Intelligence Community.  Money is tighter but my physical and mental health is improving and my relationship with my wife is vastly superior than my he last few years.


    Now as to what I bought that was best it would be the Kaiser Rushforth card cases and foam to fill out my storage needs.

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