Home Forums Medieval 28mm Andalusian

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    Avatar photoCameronian

    DBx guise, 28mm plastic figures from HaT ‘El Cid’ range:

    'The time has come" The walrus said. "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have wings."

    Avatar photoShandy

    Very nice. I’m just painting up some Andalusians myself, albeit 15mm ones… which rules are you going to use? DBA? I’ll probably try Hail Caesar or Sword & Spear.

    Avatar photoCameronian

    More than likely DBA 2.2 but will probably try adapted Irregular Wars, HOTT, anything I fancy really that’s already on the shelf.  Need to do an opposition first though; either Fanatic Berber or Spanish/Norman.

    'The time has come" The walrus said. "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have wings."

    Avatar photoShandy

    One thing I find practical about the period is that everybody was fighting against everybody else… and as everybody also had alliances with everybody else, you can pretty much mix and match your troops as you like. I’m painting Spanish, Andalusian (Taifa) and Almoravid units and will sort it out later 

    Avatar photoCameronian

    Much the same here, Fanatic Berber using Almoravid figures and Sicilian using Spanish Infantry and looks like it will be Conquest Games Norman knights.  Mix and match is the way to go.

    'The time has come" The walrus said. "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have wings."

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