Home Forums Ancients 28mm Goths

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    Avatar photoGoliad

    I completed my Ostrogoth army for Impetus/Sword and Spear this week – and joined The Wargames Website.  I have never been a prolific poster on any forum but I want to “put my pics where my mouth is” and show some support for the new forum. Good luck.

    The minis are an eclectic bunch mostly acquired as “bargains”. While I have built an army nominally as Ostrogoths they will do service in other dark age armies – my command base looks very Arthurian …

    Ostrogoth Command

    Life and death Struggle on the plains.

    Ostrogoth Combat

    Hun mercenaries


    Charging Goths

    Charging Goths

    More Charging Goths

    Byzantine deserters

    Byzantine deserters


    Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

    My whoring and daubing:

    Avatar photoA Lot of Gaul

    Very nice ‘diorama’ style bases.


    "Ventosa viri restabit." ~ Harry Field

    Avatar photoNeil Scott

    Very nice, love the work you’ve done on the bases

    Double six! I need a double six

    Avatar photoPhil Robinson

    Splendid stuff, a great mix of figures imaginatively based. Really like the one with the poor chap being run down by the Huns.

    If you are going through hell, keep going - Winston Churchill

    Avatar photoMike

    Very nice ‘diorama’ style bases.


    Indeed, very sweet!

    Avatar photohuber

    Very impressive. I love the mix of figures and the basing. I wish I had the courage to use Impetus basing.

    The fourth picture down has a Sassanid figure, is that Essex?

    Avatar photoGoliad

    Thanks everyone. I like diorama bases because my figures usually spend more time in the cabinet than on the table! I like seeing the”massed ranks” other can put on a table but I have enough trouble painting the 5 – 7 I put on a big base …

    Huber – yes it is a Sassanid figure but made by Eureka miniatures as part of their small Dark age range. The Ostrogoths negotiated with the Sassanids during the Gothic war to open a new front against Justinian so maybe this is a Sassanid “advisor”.

    Avatar photoSimon Miller

    Lovely work!   Great basing, too.

    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    really nice, I particularly like the command unit.

    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    Avatar photoAltius

    Nice work! Those are beautiful.

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

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