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    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    I’m planning to work on 3mm sci-fi terrain. Would you post your 3mm armies and world around them. And feel free to write what would like to see from me.

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    Avatar photoMr. Average

    As odd as it’ll sound to say it, I find most 6mm lines work well for my 3mm armies!  Most 3mm scale terrain is actually UNDER-scaled relative to the size of real buildings.

    Nevertheless, if you’re OFFERING, what I would like to see is gothic-y terrain and ruins – wall fragments, buttresses, ruined temples and that kind of thing.  I play a lot of Epic Armageddon at 3mm scale, and terrain to match would be nice.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I would like pretty much anything that can be used for science fiction, gothic or not, as there is a real dearth of that. Like Mat says, I can often use stuff made for 6mm and your recent armored skyscrapers really tempt me! If they were a bit smaller, I’d go for them.

    Take a look at Gregster’s Lab for 6mm gothic buildings that can be easily scaled to 3mm. Again, I prefer a less gothic look and REALLY like your skyscrapers. A bunch of those, scaled down, along with some smaller buildings, would go down a treat!


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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Something like your med set, done up as sci fi, would be great, too. One way to do this would be to make generic interestingly shaped boxes, then sell 3mm window and door and greeblie kits so we can modify them. The skyscraper set can already be done that way: just remove the base doors and add your own.

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    Avatar photoneuzd

    A long time ago I bought some ABS sheets to build me a 3mm city, but I never got around doing it, as I lack any kind of desing skills.

    Eventually it’s fun project and I wil get to it, but if I could buy directly from you I’d be immensely happy. I already have a nice bunch of 6mm stuff of yours and they were all a charming build experience.

    Anyway, my 3mm setting is all kaiju apocalypse in modern times or near future. Lots of big (but tiny!) city buildings and skyscrapers is how I envision the tables.

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Upcoming week you will see 3mm buildings here.

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    I’m late to the party, but the important thing for me is that the buildings really are in scale with the 3mm figures and vehicles available on the market (I’m mainly thinking of Magister Militum, Microworld and Vanguard here). Not smaller. I’m not sure what your philosophy is on that, as I haven’t ordered any of your 6mm buildings yet to compare them with 6mm figures (nor have I seen photos, to the best of my recollection).

    I see myself gaming 3mm sci-fi in three styles. The first style is sleek, shiny and “properly” futuristic. Think Mass Effect, Infinity and the Tau from 40K. The second style is a more gritty and brutalistic, but not gothic, “mid-tech” kind of sci-fi. Think VOTOMS, Hammer’s Slammers and Blade Runner. The third style is pure gothic and needs no further explanation.

    If there’s one type of building that should be a selling point for 3mm (setting it apart even from 6mm), it’s arcologies. Think of the cyclopean, monolithic structures in the Blade Runner films, for instance. Those would be too big even for 3mm, of course, but that general style of awe-inspiring “monumentalness” would be nice. That’s not to say I wouldn’t also like normal-sized buildings, especially as they would create an effective contrast and help accentuate the prodigious size of the arcologies. Another nice thing about arcologies is that, with the right aesthetic design, one and the same structure would suit most styles and flavours of sci-fi.

    Anyway, whatever you went for, I look eagerly forward to the big reveal. Maybe you can keep expanding the range with new ideas later?

    Edit: And as for the gothic stuff, how about some flying buttresses and bridges that connect the higher levels of different buildings/towers to one another with gothic arch shapes underneath?

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I agree with the arcologies. I prefer smaller than real scale, however: 3mm looks too big next to 3mm figures. BUT! With the right kind of design it doesn’t matter, especially for big skyscraper or arcology-style buildings. Also, just a lot of generic boxes with generic greeblies (fans, vents, different-sized doors and windows) would probably be best for sci-fi. Smaller boxes and bigger boxes. We could also use lots of generic rectangular housing project-type boxes to represent the slums of the future and, dare I say it, small boxes with which to build favelas.

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    A set up like that would let us build the kind of arcology complex Rhoderic is talking about, as well as smaller cities and settlements.

    Plus, your electric pylons and landing pads would be a treat in 3mm, as well as transport containers.

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    I prefer smaller than real scale, however: 3mm looks too big next to 3mm figures. BUT! With the right kind of design it doesn’t matter, especially for big skyscraper or arcology-style buildings.

    As long as I can picture those skyscrapers having a reasonable number of reasonably sized apartments or offices on each story, also accounting for stairwells and elevators, and with a reasonable story height. And as long as the front entrances don’t look like doors to garden sheds.

    Anyway, there is an undeniable charm to the idea of great big arcologies with low-rise favelas sprawled around their feet. If you bring your ear up close, you can actually hear Vangelis.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    My thoughts exactly, Roderic.

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I have done a SHITLOAD of 3mm terrain over the past 15 years. Based on experience, I find that to get a mass effect in an urban area, you don’t need truescale — or even a consistent scale. Here’s a modern city of mine where the buildings vary from true 1/600 scale down to 1/1200 scale. Varying the scales and putting the smaller stuff in the center lets you force perspective and make a more realistic looking urban area:

    Bad picture, I know, but it nicely illustrates what I am talking about: note how the suburbs are around 1/600 scale while the inner city is closer to 1/1200.

    Now, this will work for players like me who use 3mm for big battles.

    Players who use it for Battletech and Adeptus Titanicus will want as close to 1/600 as possible.

    Thus my suggestion, Ali: modern and sci fi is basically big concrete forms, anyhow. When you design these, avoid stuff on the main structure that gives the buildings a “fixed” size. Like I said: with the proper greeblies, your 6mm Armored Skyscrapers would work just FINE for 3mm. Give us concrete boxes with interesting shapes and all sorts of multi-sized greeblies that can be either shed doors or vehicle garage doors, depending on how and where they are placed.

    Build basic shapes and sell them with a set of multi-purpose greeblies that can be windows, doors, whatever… all of different sizes. And also sell the greeblies SEPERATELY so we 3mm players can adapt your 6mm stuff to our needs.

    To me, that would be the best way to maximize sales in this niche market. You can, of course, also do some special buildings in true 1/600 scale. However, let me suggest you do 1/700 scale, as 3mm varies between 1/600 and 1/700 and slightly smaller buildings always look more realistic than larger buildings.


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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    What I am suggesting is what you do now with your 15mm “do it yourself” line, only smaller and with more interesting shapes (although generic boxes and rectangles are also needed and welcome). Then sell greeblies that let people scale them anywhere between 1/300 and 1/1200. You maximize sales this way with just a little bit of design forethought.

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Based on experience, I find that to get a mass effect in an urban area, you don’t need truescale — or even a consistent scale […] Varying the scales and putting the smaller stuff in the center lets you force perspective and make a more realistic looking urban area […] slightly smaller buildings always look more realistic than larger buildings.

    I’ll just say that I’m of a diametrically opposite opinion. I can’t say it’s based on experience. Simply that I have a very strong aversion to having my games be anything other than WYSIWYG as far as scales and figure/model ratios are concerned (that is unless they’re boardgames or hex games, which are basically on the other side of the watershed divide for me).

    I also find that figures nominally sold as 1/600 really tend toward seeming a tad bigger, not smaller, than that scale.

    But the “multi-greeblies” approach sounds good to me, to whatever extent it’s feasible.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Plain forms and multi-sized greeblies is the way to go. Hell, with a 3mm greeblies sprew, I’d already by your armored skyscrapers, Ali.

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Regarding greeblies, you could kill two birds with one stone by designing some of them to be suitable for covering up corner joins. Not that I expect my saying that to be an “aha!” moment for anyone, least of all Ali.

    Also, it would be nice to have greeblies made from materials of different thicknesses. With most of the laser-cut scenery on the market generally, one of the most telltale illusion-killers is the fact that there’s no variation to the thickness of the detail in any one scenery piece. Some people work in 1.2mm card (which I’m especially grateful for when it comes to small-scale scenery), others in considerably thicker MDF, but rarely does anyone work in “mixed medium”. I’m wondering if 1.2mm is the thinnest feasible thickness for laser-cut surface detail. Especially in 3mm scale, I’d love to have some greeblies be only 0.5mm or thereabouts. Perhaps, at least with arcologies and other gargantuan structures, some select greeblies could even be made thicker instead of thinner (say 2mm or 3mm) to represent bulky superstructures. Anything to vary the thickness of detail. Having said that, I know next to nothing about laser-cutters. Maybe, for all I know, thicker card or MDF requires a different machine than one used for 1.2mm card.

    Anyway, I’m aware this is all very, very late. I missed this thread when it was new.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Well, we can always make thin greeblies ourselves out of tagboard with exacto knives.

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    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Here they are!


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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Good show. Useful for “cityscaping” a table, and suitable for moderns and Cold War as well as sci-fi.

    You wouldn’t happen to have any 3mm figures for a comparison shot, by any chance?

    Also, do you think this will be an expanding range going forward?

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Good show. Useful for “cityscaping” a table, and suitable for moderns and Cold War as well as sci-fi. You wouldn’t happen to have any 3mm figures for a comparison shot, by any chance? Also, do you think this will be an expanding range going forward?

    Building’s door is 3mm height 🙂

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Good show. Useful for “cityscaping” a table, and suitable for moderns and Cold War as well as sci-fi. You wouldn’t happen to have any 3mm figures for a comparison shot, by any chance? Also, do you think this will be an expanding range going forward?

    Building’s door is 3mm height 🙂

    I’ll have to do some converting, then – for 3mm high figures I want doors at least 4mm high. And that’s just for residential buildings. I’d want them at least 5mm for most commercial entrances.

    But don’t worry, I’ll still buy them (only I’ll have to wait until after 31 October, as I’m trying to get as many UK products crossed off the to-buy list as possible before then).

    I see these buildings as having quite compact apartments, student accommodation-like. Fortunately (or not), in a gritty, brutalistic future there’s plenty of reason for buildings like these to exist in huge numbers (and not because of high rates of tertiary education ). I’m reminded – not for the first time – of that double episode of Cowboy Bebop with the city on Callisto populated almost entirely by male Russian migrant labourers. Dysfunctional societies like that will likely have much of the population living in almost barracks-like conditions.

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    OK, Ali, now that these are out, I have a question: can they be mailed in a flat, cushioned envelope — registered mail, but regular: no FEDEX or USPS — to Brazil? I am thinking two of these packs, a armored skyscraper pack, a sheet of your blue plastic for windows and your “evil villain” tower. Will that all fit into a regular cushioned A4 envelope?

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Also, what are the mesurements of your road sections? Could they conceivably be used for 3mm?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    OK, Ali, now that these are out, I have a question: can they be mailed in a flat, cushioned envelope — registered mail, but regular: no FEDEX or USPS — to Brazil? I am thinking two of these packs, a armored skyscraper pack, a sheet of your blue plastic for windows and your “evil villain” tower. Will that all fit into a regular cushioned A4 envelope?

    I can send them as you wish with a tracking code with Turkish national postal service. I can arrange flat, is there a problem placing them in a box ?

    Roads might look large, if it was my choice I would not use them for 3mm. I already sold two sets if more comes I will surely expand the range.

    Something important if you can order them today or tomorrow I can ship them till Friday then we’ll have a one week national holiday.

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Placing them in a box is much more likely to get them flagged by customs. I would rather take the risk of breakage. I will order tomorrow. You take paypal, right?

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Do you think two bags of XPS bricks could also fit in that same envelope, or would that be pushing it?

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Do you think two bags of XPS bricks could also fit in that same envelope, or would that be pushing it?

    I have big envelopes no problem 🙂

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    Great! Because I think those can be stacked and combine to make great favelas! Order going out today!

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    OK, I sent my order in!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    OK, I sent my order in!

    Thank you, so will expand the 3mm line!

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    That 15mm “Villian’s Tower” of yours is going to become one huge arcology. 🙂

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    That 15mm “Villian’s Tower” of yours is going to become one huge arcology. 🙂

    I was looking at it and thinking the same thing.

    Really, it bears repeating, this is one type of coolness that 3mm can offer that even 6mm would struggle with.

    Avatar photoMike

    Really, it bears repeating, this is one type of coolness that 3mm can offer that even 6mm would struggle with.

    Challenge eh?

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Really, it bears repeating, this is one type of coolness that 3mm can offer that even 6mm would struggle with.

    Challenge eh?

    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I bought some extra greeblies for it, even! I mean, if you look at the base building, it just screams Tyrell Corporation from Bladerunner.

    But I also bought some foam bricks and tiles to make hitech favelas at its feet.

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    Avatar photoRhoderic

    I’ve also decided to get the 6mm armoured skyscrapers for 3mm use. I’m still undecided about whether to use them as the separate free-standing objects they are, or combine them into one piece by having them all butt up against a central tower (which I would have to make myself, but which wouldn’t have much visible surface) so as to make a second arcology.

    And as I’m scale-agnostic, I’d probably look at making both the “Bad Guy’s Tower” arcology and the armoured skyscrapers suitable for use in both 3mm and 6mm (they wouldn’t really qualify as arcologies in 6mm, but they’ll still be whopping big structures). I would either make two interchangeable sets of entrances (with doors/gates in different scales) or selectively model one set of entrances so they’ll look right in both scales – they’ll just be extra cavernous in 3mm, which feels right for an arcology anyway. I’ll keep windows to an extreme minimum. In both scales, these buildings would mainly be for a brutalistic, 80s retro VOTOMS-esque setting where it would be perfectly in line with the aesthetic and premises of the universe that buildings of the future don’t have windows, at least not out on the harsh colony worlds and in the ecologically collapsed wastelands. It’s not about realism, it’s about style, and I do love the “clunky tech” style of VOTOMS.

    None of this is to say I wouldn’t also love to see a “proper” 3mm arcology scenery piece from Iliada. I’d gladly put three or more arcologies down on the table, with other smaller stuff in between and all around.

    Anyway, this is all for a bit later.

    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    As I promised another addition to 3mm buildings, very soon on the website.

    Next to previous buildings.

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    Avatar photoThaddeus Blanchette

    I’ll have another order in as soon as my current one gets here!

    We get slapped around, but we have a good time!

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