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  • #179636
    Avatar photoMartin

    Hello everyone. Long time. Lurker decided to use this site a bit more. Currently just finished up Leagues of Votann army box set. 

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Welcome, former lurker, good to see you here!

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoMike

    Thanks for posting, I am too stick in the mud for the new take on squats, but how is the 40k community at large liking them, any ideas?

    (Assuming I am correct in thinking they are the new squats?)

    Avatar photoMartin

    Thank you!

    Avatar photoMartin

    They got the rules errata’d within a week of them coming out but mostly its all positive. I mean there are always miserable people in the 40k community but they hate everything. That’s why I decided to try and be more active here.

    Avatar photoMike

    That’s why I decided to try and be more active here.

    I can dig that, feel free to drag your less aggro/miserable mates here too.
    I can’t compete with FB and Twitter in terms of tech and IT, but I do discourage asshats and encourage chatting and some positivity!

    You mostly play 40k atm?

    Avatar photoMartin

    At the moment it’s 40k, blood bowl and kill team. I have a 15mm dragon Rampant force and a million other games. I’ll have a search of the relevant forums for those.

    Avatar photowillz

    That’s a lovely painted figure, 40K always my favourite sci/fi games.

    Avatar photowillz

    At the moment it’s 40k, blood bowl and kill team. I have a 15mm dragon Rampant force and a million other games. I’ll have a search of the relevant forums for those.

    This forum can handle all your different gaming interests, it’s a friendly place welcome.

    Avatar photoMartin

    Thank you. I have to give credit to Army painter speed paints. They have transformed my miniatures.

    Yeah even with my gap from Wargaming I always read the books from 40k and a big fan of the Guard so Gaunts Ghosts is one of my favourite book sets.

    Avatar photoMartin


    Avatar photoMike

    and a big fan of the Guard


    Back in the day I played Imperial Guard in 25mm.
    Then when Epic came out I played Imperial Guard in 6mm.
    As a WFB player I used to play Imperial armies in 25mm.
    Now that I play WFB in 10mm I play Imperial armies.

    Long live the Emperor?

    Avatar photoMartin

    I loved epic 40k. Was great fun having massed armies fighting.

    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Epic 40k still lives out there… And there seem to be a few 6mm players on here. I have a good sized Heresy era mixed legion and guard, mostly Tousand Sons. Will try and do some army posts when I get around to doing some reboxing

    Avatar photoTony S

    Ah, Epic.  Haven’t played that in awhile, but rather enjoyed it.  Although we found Epic 40K a bit bland after awhile.  For us, its successor Epic Armageddon hit the sweet spot of enough chrome to be interesting, but not the clunkiness of Space Marine.

    Now and again GW attracts me (like the new Killteam or Necromunda) but I find it hard to overlook the cost.  Mind you – I too absolutely love the contrast paints.   Those, plus Little Big Men transfers mean that I can paint up an army rather quickly!

    Avatar photoMartin

    Nice. I have seen some 3mm epic 40k look a likes!

    Avatar photoMartin

    I remember titan legions that was fun. Yeah I wasn’t getting into 40k until my friends started playing and I felt left out lol kill team is out most recent game and it’s great plus short game time. The price is always an issue. My guard force has been made by buying my mates second hand stuff and birthdays and Christmas.

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Martin, welcome and thanks for sharing you brush work. Looks pretty cool to me. Not keen on the new ‘squats’ being squats but I really like them for their own look and style. They remind me of Tau. More futuristic than grim dark. I can imagine these guys have electric lights and  light switches, opposed to the regulation imperial matches and lamp oil for all imperial worlds and citizens.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoMartin

    Yeah they do lean more to the tech side than grim dark!

    Avatar photoThe Red Hobbit

    Nice paint job!  Where did you get the base from?

    Avatar photoMartin

    The base came with the mini. Well it was a seperate sprue of just the rock that you glue to a normal base and I added some mix of sand and some. Bird grit I thing its called around the rocks

    Avatar photoThe Red Hobbit

    Oh that’s fun, I think the last time I bought a mini that came with a base was an Eversor assassin.  The grit looks good and blended in pretty well.

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