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    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Hi all, how do you base 6mm figures for 1:1 model:troop ratio games? And which rules do you find most suitable?

    Avatar photoMike

    I based mine on Tiddly Winks and used my own rules from when I made and sold 6mm sci-fi.

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    I was thinking more of basing by squad/fire team/heavy weapon or somesuch

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I base groups of five to a 3/4” square base, or a single weapon team on the same. For rules I always do like Dirtside II, but I’ve been very enthusiastic about Laserstorm Second Edition lately as well. For lower density of forces, Horizon Wars is also a very solid choice.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    My main 6mm sci-fi stuff is for Epic 40K and based as per the rules. I have a couple of iterations of the rules but never really like any of them.

    I’ve tried Horizon Wars with my Klix Battletech stuff and quite like the rules but have no opponent so that’s on the back burner. The minis come ready based.

    Future War Commander, from Pendraken, is due to get a facelift sometime soon … -ish and as a fan of Blitzkreig Commander I’ll certainly get a copy of the rules once the 2nd edition is out.

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    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    95% of my infantry are individually based on US pennies, as I also use them for skirmish.  I do have some for a my Ma.K game that are based 3 to a US penny, with specialty teams being 2 to a penny.  Drones and troops in power armor and the like are always individually based.

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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I always just did 5 per stand, because thats what Space Marine 1e/2e did 🙂

    And since that fits in Dirtside, I stuck to it. I wanna say it also worked in Strike Legion but its been a minute.
    Our new Laserstorm 2e rules use the same approach for exactly that reason.

    If I was redoing stuff, Id probably do 3 per stand and be cheap instead.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    It does work in Strike Legion. Fun game that doesn’t get a lot of play these days – sort of a dead letter at this point, and it required a lot of counters to play. Which never bothered me (in fact I made custom die cut ones for myself!) but it’s definitely cut from the same cloth as DS2 and so gets a bit of a bad rap for being too complex.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Part of why I liked it was definitely because it felt pretty high tech and crunchy 🙂
    It was super ambitious too, with multiple levels of gameplay. This reminds me I should pick up the platoon leader version and check that out.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I base groups of 3 or 4 figures per base. One special weapons team per base. One vehicle/mech per base. I use them for Horizon Wars where one stand of figures counts as one infantry “element”. I play it as those figures are the actual soldiers.


    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    A bit late but I base with 1 to 1 in mind and typically have 2 fireteams of 4 figures each, along with a heavy squad weapon. Also a lot of scifi manufacturers include a number of heavy weapons in their packs, so I usually have plenty.

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

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