Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi 6mm submarine

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    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    I am working on terrains and vehicles for Jim Webster’s new expansion for Hellfire.  This time we have mostly a water planet. We wanted to have a submarine as a big terrain piece.

    Submarine model designed by myself. I will upload the files in March for my Patreon

    6mm submarine

    6mm submarine2


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    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

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    Avatar photoJim Webster

    Just to give a little context 🙂

    Life on Derin Su?


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    Avatar photoThomaston

    Nice submarine. I like how you used several different shapes for it.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Ya, that’s pretty good!  I like that it’s recognizable without being a generic round tube.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photowillz

    Cool makes me miss the sea time, well all most.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Actually this is a very possible kind of colony world – frozen surface with subsurface ocean. In fact there are a number of them in our own solar system and they could be somewhat common in the galaxy.

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    It was going to be a pure ‘water world’ but from a wargaming aspect it’s limited 🙂
    Hence as the blog says, I ended up frantically pouring concrete and producing a little bit of land.
    One problem with large bodies of open water is that the storms build up and don’t have anything to hit and break up against.
    Even on Earth you get the roaring forties between latitudes 40° and 50° south in the Southern Hemisphere. Here the prevailing winds blow persistently from the west and there’s damn all to stop them 🙂

    Also put in an almost sunken continent, pack ice (and tundra because you struggle to live on the ice, but tundra is more possible)  and three volcanic island chains and you get a more interesting air/sea/land interface.
    And you can still have submarines hunting each other in the darkness at depth 🙂





    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Now we will expect rules for sus hunting each other, with thermo and haloclines, active and passive sonar and all of that good stuff.  Get cracking, Jim!  😀

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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