Home Forums Terrain and Scenery A 28mm wooden barn from scratch

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    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    The next game in an AWI campaign that I’m playing will need a barn, a piece of terrain I’m yet to add to my 28mm collection (plenty in the 20mm collection, but a bit small). Rather than work from an existing MDF model as I have with my other buildings I decided this was straightforward enough that I should try to scratch build one instead. I know, a bit old school in this day and age, what with laser cut MDF and 3D printing, nonetheless for those interested I’ve put together a step-by-step tutorial on how I did it that you can find here https://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2021/10/scratchbuilding-28mm-wooden-barn.html

    The shape is made from foam core:

    The wooden planks were made from coffee stirrers (bought from a craft store…..I’ve got better things to do than grab handfuls from the nearest Starbucks):

    Here’s the finished result:

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Nice work!. It reminds me of the one from the old White Dwarf magazine

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Nice work!. It reminds me of the one from the old White Dwarf magazine

    Ah, now that means nothing to me, the whole GW thing passed me by being the crusty old historical gamer that I am. Actually, not quite true, I’ve occasionally popped into their stores if only to admire the nicely painted minis and terrain, so I shall take that as a compliment, thank you.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    Very nicely done, thanks for sharing.

    In fact it could do for almost any period and location since pirates till modern and near future, if with a choice of roofs adapted to other places and periods.


    Avatar photoMike

    Wicked, I have bookmarked that for the painting method!

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Very nicely done!

    Avatar photoMonty Bob


    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    thanks!  I might have to copy your project.  I have accumulated a large stack of cork over the years, so I might have to use that for the understructure.



    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

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