Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic A review of my Anglo/Portuguese forces.

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  • #135501
    Avatar photoAnthony Miles

    Having finally completed my Portuguese brigade I decided to get out my currently completed force for a bit of a review. The result was as follows;

    The majority of the figures are plastic from Perry Miniatures, Victrix and Warlord Games. There are also metal figures from Front Rank, Perry Miniatures, Warlord Games, Casting Room Miniatures and a couple from Elite Miniatures. Most bases are by Warbases, as is the engineers cart. The horse casualty bases are from Charlie Foxtrot Models.

    The main British contingent is based on the Order of Battle for Talavera in 1809, specifically the 3rd and 4th Divisions, with the Heavy cavalry brigade and one of the two light cavalry brigades as well. Plus of course Royal Artillery. The rest of the collection allow for more variety for other scenarios.

    A more through review can be found on my blog at Jabba’s Wargaming


    Avatar photoMike

    Ooh nice set up, sit back and admire.


    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    That’s a lovely looking force!

    Avatar photoAnthony Miles
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