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    One of my fascinations about air combat is strapping artillery to planes.


    In the most extreme case now we have Spectre Gunship with 105mm howitzer.

    But during ww2 you had 30mm and up. Mosquito could get a massive 6pdr(57mm) but 37 and 39mm were common among many planes.


    My favorite is the Vickers S-Gun(40mm). Strapped under each wing on one of the later Hurricane models. Capable of taking out early to mid war armor like Panzer 1-4, and all of the Italian stuff.

    In this mission I fly with 2 other Hurricane and we annihilate an Italian column.


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That low level runout, wow your system is smooooth!

    I was trying to imagine being crew in that last vehicle as you circled and dove on them a couple of times, how terrifying that must have been.  Hella good shooting you did.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    50ft is too high?
    15rds per gun is not a lot of ammo. You look like you’re really good with the gun.


    That low level runout, wow your system is smooooth! I was trying to imagine being crew in that last vehicle as you circled and dove on them a couple of times, how terrifying that must have been. Hella good shooting you did.

    Thanks. I love the S-Gun.

    I understand they changed to rockets as the guns didn’t have the punch to take out unarmoured Panzer IV, let a lone a Tiger og Panther

    But I can never figure out rockers. The drop is quite extreme. The British RP-3 has even more of a drop than the American HVAR rockets.


    But rockets can take out any tank with a good hit and even take out ships.

    Rocket also let you attack from further away and at a higher angle. Meaning less chance of getting shot down or hit the ground by accident (both high killers in North Africa with the S-Gun)


    50ft is too high? 15rds per gun is not a lot of ammo. You look like you’re really good with the gun.

    The Hurricane is very stable,  and unlike planes ground vehicles (at least in most sims)  move at a steady pace in one direction. Making it easier to hit.

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