Home Forums Ambush Alley Games Force on Force Afghanistan for FoF

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  • #43938
    Avatar photoJoseph Legan

    Really glad I found these rules.  They give a great sense for asymetrical warfare.   Posted an after action report from a squad I am taking through Afghanistan.    Found here: Platoonforward.blogspot.com

    Also have a question:  Is there never any scatter for artillery or air dropped munitions?




    Avatar photoJon Winczek


    I think, there is no scatter for artillery or air strike attacks. All is related only to TQ.

    It seemed strange for me, especially regarding artillery barrages, but I suppose that game designers probably assumed that modern artillery, when properly guided, is quite close to the point weapon type – in contrary to the WWII artillery.

    Avatar photoJoseph Legan


    Thanks for your response; I guess that was the thought.  Still seems hard to believe, particularly for dumb bombs.

    The link didn’t show well in last post.  Let me try again: http://platoonforward.blogspot.com.

    Thanks again


    Avatar photoPeggy Carpenter

    Hey! Yea, there’s no scatter. Artillery and such was abstracted this way on purpose.

    There IS that totally unfun Fog of War card that rains hell down on your own troops if you’re unlucky enough to draw it. 🙁 I think I get it every other game or so.

    Avatar photoJoseph Legan

    Thank you!



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