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  • #5785
    Avatar photoLuddite

    I’ve just finished some 6mm toys for my new project for fighting in an AK47 Rebublic world.


    Avatar photoPaul

    Nice. I’ve always wanted to play AK47 Republic, but I religiously base all my 15mm and 28mm miniatures individually. Might have to consider doing it in 6mm as well, now that I see your stuff.
    I know nothing about 6mm, so who makes the figures? Also, what do you base them on, and what size bases are yours (if I remember correctly, “official” base size for 15mm is 3cm by 3cm, right?).
    Again, they look great. Thanks for sharing.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoLuddite

    The models are mainly GHQ with some Adler and Baccus.

    The individual models are on 30 x 30 bases with magnetic sheet on the bottom. They are photographed here attached to a 60 x 60 steel sabot to produce a ‘unit’.

    My rules will use the 60 x 60 unit as the lowest command level.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Thank you sir

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoAltius

    Paul, there’s really no reason why you couldn’t play AK-47 with individual figures. It’s a very simple system.

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

    Avatar photoPaul

    Altius, I had considered doing so, can’t remember why I rejected it. Maybe I should dig out the rules and re-look at it.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoLuddite

    Right. Here are the latest additions to my project;

    The relief agency:

    The peacekeeping force. Subadar Singh’s Blue Turbans :


    Finally some militia; the Blessed Levy of Archbishop Mvungi :

    Avatar photoMike

    I like those!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Beautifully done !!!

    Avatar photoSpurious

    Really nice, I especially like how the UN vehicles have come out.

    Avatar photoLuddite

    I was a bit worried myself.

    It’s not like I get a lot of practice painting white stuff, but the black oil wash/white drybrush technique seemed to work.

    Avatar photoLuddite

    Here’s the latest batch from my workshop.

    First a couple of Berliet trucks


    Then some mortars for BLAM (actually Adler WW2 French)

    Then some BLAM infrantry (GHQ)


    Finally the completed supply dumps from Leven Miniatures. They painted up really well.

    Not forgetting the beef and mutton (Baccus )

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    You needs some goats and a Panda Bear !!! Looks great !

    Avatar photowillz

    They have turned out very nice. I especially like those supply dumps.

    Avatar photoLuddite

    You needs some goats and a Panda Bear !!! Looks great !


    Actually there are elephants in my lead pile. Watch this space !

    Avatar photoThe Gray Ghost

    I admire your ability to paint 6mm, I’ve had to give up everything under 20mm.

    Beware The Gray Ghost

    Avatar photoEarther

    Rather spiffy there Wing Commander. I is impressed.

    Avatar photoLuddite

    I admire your ability to paint 6mm, I’ve had to give up everything under 20mm.

    It’s all a matter of increasing lens magnification every two years !

    Avatar photoBrigadier General

    Very nice!

    formerly known as "wargamer1972"

    Avatar photoDavid Cooke

    Very nice paint work. The supply dump is inspiring. I might try one myself.

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