Home Forums Terrain and Scenery African project so far, the river

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    Avatar photomalc johnston

    African project so far, the river

    So the large battle for the Masai tribe and Wahehe are still being painted up , trying to get it all ready for the 17 September for the big game day at the Victorian Steel outpost, its going to be East Africa, riverboat needs to be created for the Germans, its now needs a African foot bridge creating with two hills on each side and plenty of jungle.

    Table is 12ft by 6 ft, , first used spray adhesive, then placed the flooring soft vinyl, when placing you really do need to get it perfect, this was done in 3 pieces, slowly work from the middle and slightly push outwards to get rid of those bubbles.

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    This is the pattern close up

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    The boards we already worked on, we can have this river wide or narrow as this picture shows, we can also create a beach landing by removing one riverside, WWII maybe

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    28mm riverboat in the picture to show the size

    post image online[/url]

    Still not got it right to the quality we want, but i hope wargamers pick up on this idea, rather than just placing top rivers sections on boards, with this idea you could even remove all the boards and place hills on the water and have sea battles, its simple and just gives you that more about wargaming.


    Still have lots of work to do, a footbridge and grass tuffs around the riverbanks, could even build a habour or a jetty, the world of wargaming just opens up eh !


    Avatar photonheastvan

    I like that flooring texture.  I’ve been contemplating how I’m going to do water and do like the idea of a sea level on which you put land on top.  It’d be awesome to have the space to leave up a 12×6 table like that.

    Avatar photoPatG

    Very interesting approach.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Very cool !!!

    Avatar photomalc johnston

    Thanks guys, i know its simple but its a method that can so easy be created, we spoke about sea battles once it was completed, how many wargamers would love to a do a Roman sea battle, try this for a good size http://www.romanseas.com/ you don’t have to have a large table to battle this, but being the idiots we are at Victorian Steel it looks like we will go big time.

    I got a large bag of hippos, plastic toys for kids off Ebay, time to chop legs off and body parts then paint them up and slap them in the river and banks, i got 17 for £13 perfect size for 28mm, got to look for crocs next


    Avatar photodarthfozzywig

    Fun stuff!

    Avatar photonheastvan

    It totally makes sense to have the base level of your terrain be water rather than land. It opens up options not otherwise available.

    Absolutely love the idea of the hippos!

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Love this idea, I can see me needing a Nile in the near future, this could be the way to go. 

    Avatar photomalc johnston

    We might have a 12ft by 6ft table, but i know many people don’t have this type of space, it could so easy be 3 x 3 table, still the same process and 1300th scale ships is a must do, maybe 20 ships a side, couple of islands and away you go, nothing wrong in gaming aircraft over the sea, the wargame table no matter how small can create a great feeling of fun, i really do hope people pick up on this and create the table you want.

    Simple tiles cut and lay out on top gives you riverbanks, we all want a riverboat to shoot at, its a great hobby and something to think about and get away from the stress of life


    Avatar photonheastvan

    I’m a ways away from my next table surface (other things to work through first) but I’m totally going to do this.  Still need to decide between tiles and just uneven shapes made from acrylic caulk though.

    Avatar photomalc johnston

    We did a Boxer Rebellion game last night, it was fantasic with a river boat and infantry on each side of the river moving on the flanks, totally gave us a game with more tactics, the Allies did really good on one side of the river but got totally blown away on the other and they could not get the support you need.

    The riverboat was given 20 points and lost 14 hits points and was in abit of a pickle, we had to bridges across the river and the boxers were dug in with the Imperial force, cracker of a game, was funny with the captain of the boat going full steam ahead and getting stuck in the mudbanks, sitting duck my the Imperial artillery.

    Really pleased that people have picked up on this idea, it will open up more tactics on the tabletop.


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