Home Forums Terrain and Scenery Auchentoshan

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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    First mock-up of the centre piece for our ECW game at our local Show (in August).

    The village of Auchentoshan will have a cobbled road running through it, fences & walls etc but you will get an impression of it from these preliminary photos.

    The Black Houses & roofless church are from Anyscale, the large thatched house is Dapol & the other, half timbered building is a resin pieceI’ve had for 20 years.





    Avatar photoShahbahraz

    Ah..  Auchentoshan. A very nice single malt. Up there with my favourites. Bit harder to find than Talisker,

    --An occasional wargames blog: http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/ --

    Avatar photoAlan Hamilton

    Very nice.  That would be the Great Western Road running through it.

    It is not unusual apparently for a “lady’s whisky” to be battled over in Oz – Incidentally a “lady’s whisky” or “breakfast whisky” has a smooth and soft taste.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    The only whiskey I will drink is Lowland. I can’t abide a peaty taste. So “lady’s whiskey”….

    My Italian in-laws call mey preference for flat white coffee “caffè per bambini” or ‘children’s coffee’ so I think there’s a pattern here.

    We’ll also have a smaller BUA we’re going to call ‘Bladnoch’. I don’t think many Aussies will get the reference. Now call the two villages “4X Gold” and “Tooheys Draft” & they’d get it.



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