Home Forums WWII Beda Fomm 1941, O-Group – Devon Wargames Group

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  • #187581
    Avatar photocarojon

    One of the games played at the Devon Wargames Group last month was a recreation of events at Beda Fomm in the Western Desert of 1941 as the Italians attempted to retreat in the wake of the British offensive under General O’Connor.

    This is one of a series of games played in the last few months at the club as the chaps get their heads around using O-Group.

    If you would like to know more, then just follow the link to the club blog.





    Very nice

    Take care


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    Avatar photoTony S

    I’ve only played O Group once, but was highly impressed.  Glad to see that the rules work in dense Normandy terrain, as well as the open North African desert.

    And I’m always a fan of seeing Italian and early British armour, especially as well painted as your collection.  Thanks!


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