Home Forums WWII Black Tree would like your help

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    Avatar photoJohn Olsen

    I would like to introduce myself. I am John Olsen, President of Black Tree Design. This is my first time on The Wargames Website.

    I have been actively involved in the Miniatures Business for over 30 years (ouch!) and have recently taken over the reins at BTD. We have an enormous range of Miniatures and are looking to the future. We are planning a great deal of expansion in 2015 and I would like your help. We have a hefty WWII Range, what should we add? Anything particular you would really like to see? Your thoughts and suggestions would be really appreciated.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    John Olsen

    [email protected]

    Avatar photoMike

    Thanks for joining, do you have a link to your website sir?

    Avatar photoMick A

    Early war British would be great ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoJohn Olsen

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks. Very glad I joined. Our website is http://www.blacktreedeisgn.com

    Hi Mike,

    Early British are definitely on the list. What would you like to see done?

    Cheers, John


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Hi John:

    I’m not really a 28mm gamer as I prefer 15mm minis. But having looked at your WW II range I would say the areas where you could expand which would also complement what you have already got are:

    Soviet Partisans.***

    Soviet Regular Late War Cavalry with SMG’s. **

    Some Soviet Cossack Cavalry. *

    Finish Infantry. **

    Early War British. **

    Expand your Early War French.**

    Japanese. **

    American Early War Infantry. *

    Cheers and welcome aboard!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoMick A

    Hi Mike, Early British are definitely on the list. What would you like to see done? Cheers, John

    Standard squaddies, command, Vickers and crew, Boys anti-tank and crew, light mortar and crew and medium mortar and crew would be great (I have a plan to do Operation Sealion, I have your early war Fallschirmjager already so early war British from you would go with them so well ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

    Avatar photoGoliad

    Hi, I’ll raise a long shot suggestion of Hungarians or Romanians.

    Avatar photoPatrice

    Hi John.

    BTD was not always easy to order from in the past, it’s great news if it’s working well again.

    I’ll share your question around me, but IMO the most important thing for new additions would be compatibility with other popular 28mm ranges?


    Avatar photoPhil Gray



    Great to hear that someone is looking to breathe new life into what is a very extensive range, with some very nice figures in it.

    My personal favourite is the foraging Soviet character, complete with liberated fascist chicken… ๐Ÿ™‚

    My own personal preference would be for Soviet cavalry, as this arm of the Red Army is represented by just two figures…

    Compatibility wise I think you nailed it for the figures.ย  Vehicles wise my own preference is for 1/56 but I know that others prefer the 1/48 look..

    Hope things go well!



    Sand, not oil, in the gears of the world.

    Avatar photoPhil Gray

    Hi Mike, Thanks. Very glad I joined. Our website is http://www.blacktreedeisgn.com Hi Mike, Early British are definitely on the list. What would you like to see done? Cheers, John


    You might want to edit that link btw

    Sand, not oil, in the gears of the world.

    Avatar photoCerdic

    I would like more Italians in European uniform. Even more riflemen poses as it was a very rifle-heavy army. Also some support weapons, mortars and stuff!

    Avatar photoThe Gray Ghost

    Free French, more North Africa Brits

    Beware The Gray Ghost

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