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    Avatar photoShecky

    A friend and I joined the second kick starter for “By Fire and Sword”, having missed out on the original one. I’m waiting for my copy of the original rules to arrive and have also started on a Swedish skirmish force. Since neither my friend nor I have played the rules, I’d like to know if anyone here has played them and your opinion.

    The other question I have…

    Can the rules be used for TWY with little or no modifications?

    Avatar photoBill Bartlett

    I have only played two small introductory games. I really like the rules, they play well and are, imho, intuitive. I really like the orders and how y9ou need to manage your order points. All in all the rules are fun and I liked them enough to buy the rules and a load of Poles and join the kickstarter at the Lieutenant level all within a week…

    I think they will play TYW without any changes (at least I hope, because I’m going to try). It’ll be the army lists that make the difference.

    Avatar photoShecky

    I’m painting Swedes now and plan to get a skirmish set of HRE as part of the kickstarter just so I can use them for TYW. A friend is painting Poles and intends to get Transylvanians so we’ll have enough skirmish forces for a mixture of games.


    I hope they’re fun because I put my WWI project on hold to paint the Swedes.

    Avatar photowarren coleman

    I wish I had the money I love their figures!

    Avatar photoNeil Mancer

    I like the rules 🙂 As has been said they are fairly intuitive and straightforward and importantly … fun.  My Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth force – Gosiewski’s Foray, with which I started, has fairly rapidly turned into a Polish division 🙂


    There are some oddities that occur with the translation from Polish to English, but there are FAQ and Errata for download from Wargamer’s own site, as well as more info on both their forum and that of Stafford Games.


    I too am in on the Kickstarter, and the Deluge book should have quite a few rules clarifications in, especially for the charge phase.


    Some pics:








    Avatar photoBill Bartlett

    Beautiful brush work! My painting isn’t worth posting though… My Poles are coming along though. Just one LG box of Cossack w/ spear to go and I can start on my Swedes…


    Avatar photoNeil Mancer

    That little lot took me about 4 evenings to do, including the bases 🙂  I’ve done considerably more since then 😉


    (assembled and undercoated black on Saturday, started painting proper Sunday evening, Finished Wednesday evening :))

    Avatar photoWayne Dilworth


    I joined the first kickstarter and got some Polish / Lithuanians and some Ottomans, currently getting ready to move, so when I’ve settled into my new painting room I shall be making a start on them, in all honesty though I think I will be aiming for the Vienna campaign of 1683 and using them against my LoA armies

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