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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    As you probably know, Field of Glory stipulates each side have a camp (unfortified).

    Its purpose is to anchor a side  to its “supply lines”. Losing one (quite easily done) costs victory points. As a mechanism, it’s a little blunt but serves its purpose.

    I’ll need something beyond a rectangle of felt for my ECW Royalists & for my Covenanters.

    I’d welcome suggestions: nothing too elaborate or outre as I have to acquire the stuff in 20mm.




    Avatar photoAlan Hamilton

    In 20mm you could make a small camp using the Imex Pilgrims as a starting point for some simple conversions.


    Add a tent or two and bits from this accessory set http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=188


    Avatar photoEtranger

    The sort of thing that I use as a scenic element, that could double as a ‘camp’ includes tents, camp fires, wagons, surgeons & camp followers. I’m not sure what’s available in 20mm these days though. I’ll post a couple of photos when I’m on the right computer.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Okay, this isn’t ECW and isn’t 20mm!

    However: the tent is home made with DAS modelling clay over paper wrapped around a cardboard tube and the bits and pieces are a combination of Gripping beast furniture and home made pots pans and and plates.

    You could make simple A frame tents from card/stiff paper, Irregular Miniatures do 20mm campfire accessories, dead animals, waggons, pack mules, horses etc (they do tents in 15mm as well which might do depending how picky about size you are feeling).


    Sorry about the picture quality.

    Avatar photoBrendan Morrissey

    I would go with 28mm tents from someone like Renedra; as long as you stick with the simpler “pup” tents, they should just look like “big” tents in 20mm.  The real question is – will you do a separate camp for the dour Covenanters and their “blew bunnits”?

    I have a “Cromwell/New Model in Ireland” army, whose camp consists of just a wagon stuck in a muddy “road” with various civilian and artillery figures trying to push it out of the mud.  Get some plastic 20mm artillery figures, and a wagon, and you’ve not only got a camp, but captured the Scottish weather as well!

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I have a bunch of Renaissance-era wagons & a couple of ACW pup tents. Various barrels, boxes & piles of lumber are also in my “Bits Box”.

    Add a spare gun or two & a few unneeded figures not in action poses & I think I can manage something to represent a camp.

    I have the Warrior ECW preacher: this chap (scroll down)


    (the other figures in the blog ate Tumbling Dice, which make up most of my two armies: they are lovely!)

    He’ll add a little extra to the Covenanter camp. If I just had a couple of period ‘ladies of ill-repute’ to add to the Cavalier camp….



    Avatar photoBrendan Morrissey

    Just stick any old female figures onto the Royalist camp base and let people assume what they will.

    Avatar photoRadar

    Have a look at Ancient and Modern Miniatures camp stuff.

    Their figures are not 20mm, allegedly they are 15mm. The 15mm variety that is actually 18mm, and in some cases a little bit more.

    There are a number of items which could help you out – fire, hog roasting on a spot, baggage etc

    Avatar photoIan Bailey


    For a further bit of inspiration try Googling pictures of Sprigge’s map of Naseby which contains within it an illustration  of the Parliamentary camp. A couple of easily accessibke books (ie on Kindle) are Firth’s Cromwell’s Army and Keith Roberts’ “Cromwell’s War Machine”. Both are actually about the wider ECW armies of the time and are a good starting point for looking at things like this as well as starting to help if you wish to dig deeper.

    Hope this helps.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Thanks, Iain.


    This one:

    Explaining the battle at the 2013 Naseby Battlefield event

    Not all that difficult to create: a few wagons etc.



    Avatar photoRadar

    If you are after the plan of Naseby you’ll have more luck searching for Streeter’s plan of Naseby.

    Streeter (sometimes Streater) was the engraver (he was also a renowned painter, painted Pepys’s ceiling) who created the plan. It appeared in Sprigge’s book Anglia Redivia. Streeter’s plan has a lozenge top right with a portrait of Fairfax. (Joshua Sprigge was Sir Thomas’s priest.)

    The plan was ‘redone’ for the Royalist restoration audience by Sturt. This version is slightly different, most obviously the Black Tom portrait has been removed.

    Avatar photoIan Bailey

    Good point!

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