Home Forums General Conventions and Shows Carronade show 12th May

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    Avatar photoDoug Thomson

    Falkirk District Wargames Club will be hosting our annual Carronade show on Saturday 12th May

    Graeme High School, Callendar Road, Falkirk

    10am to 4 pm

    This year we will have

    45 traders

    37 Games, including at least 13 participation games

    our Painting Competitions

    and the ever popular Flea Market

    Should be another cracking show and I hope you can come along



    Avatar photoTony Hughes

    Brilliant show. Went there last year, visiting while staying with a pal. Friendly, relaxed and loads of excellent games and traders.

    If you are within travelling distance (sadly I’m not) I strongly recommend a visit – you won’t regret it.

    Tony of TTT


    Avatar photoDoug Thomson

    Thanks Tony

    Avatar photoAlan Hamilton

    We will be putting on apublic participation game at Carronade http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/Carronade2018home.html
    at the Graeme High School in Falkirk on Saturday 12 May with this http://www.morvalearth.co.uk/Claymore%202018/Claymore%202018%20Intro.htm

    Avatar photocraig cartmell

    Missive from The Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare

    Despite our best laid plans, our old friend, unforeseen circumstances, has dropped in to say hello.

    Due to a house fire, we shall not be attending Carronnade this month. All my display equipment and minis are currently sitting in my house waiting for a recovery team to begin work.

    I remain hopeful that we shall be able to attend all the other shows this year.

    Avatar photocraig cartmell

    I love the style of this sort of board 😀

    Avatar photoDoug Thomson

    Very sorry to hear that Craig. I hope the damage is not too horrific. Hope to see you at next year’s show.

    Doug Thomson

    Falkirk District Wargames Club

    Avatar photoShahbahraz

    One of my favourite shows. I will be there with the Kirrie guys. Hoping to get to play in one of the participation Sharp Practice games…

    --An occasional wargames blog: http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/ --

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