Home Forums WWII CoC 29, Let’s Go! campaign (updated 13 07 20)

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    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    We start another campaign for Chain of Command – 29, Let’s Go! This one set in Normandy shortly after D-Day as elements of the US 175th infantry regiment from the 29th Division push inland from Omaha along the main coastal road towards Utah. The Germans, naturally, want to stop this happening. Even if they don’t succeed in stopping them any delay will allow other German units to withdraw across the bridge at Isigny and form a new defensive line behind the Aure river. The campaign is a race against time then.

    I put together various new AFVs and units for the campaign, plus some additional terrain pieces which you can see here https://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/03/getting-ready-for-29-lets-go.html

    We have played the first scenario ‘Probe at La Cambe’ and the full AAR can be found here https://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/03/29-lets-go-scenario-1-probe-at-la-cambe.html

    Here are a few pictures from that game:

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoNathaniel Weber

    Lovely painting and terrain. I really like the look of the infantry in particular. Are the hedgerows your own making, premade?

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    It’s great seeing you get this campaign started, excellent!  The table and troops look absolutely fantastic, and your presentation of the battle report is absolutely top notch.

    Not to pick at a fresh scab, but I’ve got to hand it to the American commander, that was quite a bit of work he pulled on ya! As you mentioned, base of fire established, scouts up to force deployment, pound it, then get the mortars going to cover 3rd Squad coming across the field (though I was looking to see how them running into the minefields was going to work out).  As you mentioned, there’s plenty to work over about support options but, for what it’s worth, given the tactical situation at hand, I think you made the right choice to fall back.  I see dark times in your future, the Americans having the ability to pop a full-up platoon down on the table for each fight, and then they had two Shermans, 81mm mortars, and engineers, too?  Hopefully you get more defensible terrain next time; yes, I know everyone will look and say “but the Americans had to cross all that open ground,” but as you saw, all that open ground meant the defensive positions were fairly obvious to the attacker, who used his tanks and mortars to handle that pretty effectively, and there’s no depth (unless you want to get into a melee/battle of attrition in the orchard or within the farmhouses themselves, but not really an option when your opponent has 100% replacement each fight).  Anyway, sorry for all that rambling, I was just taken in by your analysis.

    I was inspired by your posts on Chain of Command mechanisms and tactics and so I recently revisited the rules and ended up playing a ten-game campaign (WWII, German invasion of Greece) using them (modified a bit).  I’m working on the batreps now and will begin posting in a couple weeks.

    Thanks for the great report, I’m looking forward to the next one!


    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Really enjoyed that, lovely table and figures, and as you said, nicely done that American commander.  When wondering about support choices, I often find my hand drawn towards mortars, especially if the aim is to cause casualties.  It makes the option of just sitting there a bit more difficult for the other guy…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That was a quick one.  Not a good trade in casualties, nor ground.  Counts as a Total Allied Victory?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    That was a quick one. Not a good trade in casualties, nor ground. Counts as a Total Allied Victory?

    Initial campaign probe scenarios like this can often be fairly brief. Those casualties meant there was no reason for the Germans to hang around. The scenario is a US victory and so we move on to the next map in the campaign. There are no degrees of ‘victory’ just win, loss or losing draw (where loser inflicts a high level of casualties on the winner).

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    With the easing of restrictions here in Australia it’s been great to get back to some face to face gaming and more importantly get our 29, Let’s Go! campaign for Chain of Command back up and running. The Americans cut through the Germans like a knife through butter in the last game, so can my Germans put up a stiffer fight this time around? The full AAR is here http://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/05/29-lets-go-scenario-2-delaying-action_30.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    The US 175th Infantry Regiment have to clear a village on their flank and the site of ‘mobile 88mm guns’. So far the Germans have been unsuccessful in stalling the US advance, will they be any more successful here? Full AAR is here http://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/06/29-lets-go-scenario-3-flanking-st.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    A great AAR and read, thanks.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Great games, except that you seem to keep taking a licking.    Maybe the next one will stop the yanks in their tracks?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    We now reach scenario 4 and after three defeats the Germans are in dire need of a victory to have any hope of stalling the American advance. Luck certainly hasn’t been on their side, but could it change this time? The full AAR is here:


    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Wow that was a good one!  Like you, I had figured it would be a repeat with all of those double moves, but what a comeback!

    I do hope you do try the counter attack.  Is there a set number of battles that sees the US shutdown, or is it only a moral/Colonel’s decision?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Wow that was a good one! Like you, I had figured it would be a repeat with all of those double moves, but what a comeback! I do hope you do try the counter attack. Is there a set number of battles that sees the US shutdown, or is it only a moral/Colonel’s decision?

    Thanks! The longer the Germans hold the more units escape across the bridge at Isigny. Best possible outcome is they hold map 5 at the end of the ninth game, that also allows my platoons to evacuate. Given the run of the campaign so far I have to counterattack to stall the Americans as it gains me one game, in fact winning the most recent game gains me a minimum two games if I counterattack – one for the counter and another to refight map 4. It’s looking tough but it’s not impossible.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Oh yes, do that then.  Counter-attack the crap out of them!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    After German success in the last game they have the opportunity to mount a counterattack. While there’s little chance they have the force to push the Americans back, what they can do is disrupt their drive forward. The full AAR is here http://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/07/29-lets-go-counterattack-at-arthenay.html


    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Good moves on your part.  I couldn’t have done it, I would have been too tempted to have the right side squad do some shooting, probably resulting in their destruction.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Good moves on your part. I couldn’t have done it, I would have been too tempted to have the right side squad do some shooting, probably resulting in their destruction.

    Let me tell you, I was very tempted to do so. However when I thought about it, the best case was I cause a few casualties and some shock, worse case the US roll a double phase and do me real harm. Neither will help me win the game or campaign, but the latter would really damage my chances. It didn’t make for the most exciting game but it keeps my platoon viable for the next game, which was the key.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thank you for posting your AAR’s.


    Avatar photoGillies Sim

    Great AAR – builds the tension in the campaign nicely! Once that turn end hit I think you were limited in options, the barrage gave you some sort of parity and with it gone, hanging around was just asking for casualties.

    Always enjoyable reading your work.


    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Having beat off the German counterattack the Americans now return to clear their right flank near Cardonville. They were mauled badly by the Germans at the first attempt, could they do a better job at the second attempt? The full AAR is here: http://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/07/29-lets-go-radar-station-at-cardonville.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    The Americans did a great job slowly advancing with mortar fire pinning the Germans. I’m surprised the Germans had no mortars.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    The Americans did a great job slowly advancing with mortar fire pinning the Germans. I’m surprised the Germans had no mortars.

    The Germans could have had mortars but with only 5 support points for this one it was tough to decide. Mortars are 4 support points and a sudden turn end or the demise of the forward observer and they are gone. I decided to entrench instead. The forward observer can be very vulnerable and countered by the Americans (which is what their sniper was there to do). Perhaps I should have taken the risk.

    Interesting what people choose and use. The Americans had to take at least one Sherman but Dave decided armour was too vulnerable in that close terrain and so he never even brought it into play.


    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Woof, that was a rough one.  The Amis did everything right, but still took a few casualties.  Good thing that platoon wasn’t your campaign unit!

    I love those entrenched troops, good to see them getting use.  I’m working on some for my Vietnam troops.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    So we reach the final map with the campaign in the balance. Can the Germans stall the Americans for one more game and snatch a campaign victory or will the American steamroller prove unstoppable? The full AAR is here: http://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/07/29-lets-go-scenario-5-home-run-at.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Kinda sad the campaign is over, I’ve enjoyed reading about it.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Oh man, that is a tough defeat.  You just didn’t have the luck with those rolls despite the hard cover.  The Americans really do seem to have quite the advantage in firepower despite the Germans having all of those MG42s.  That panzershrek team deserve a medal though, great shot there.

    Seems like you enjoyed the campaign.  I certainly enjoyed reading about it!  Thank you very much for all the great AARs, and please do get another campaign running soon.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Oh man, that is a tough defeat. You just didn’t have the luck with those rolls despite the hard cover. The Americans really do seem to have quite the advantage in firepower despite the Germans having all of those MG42s. That panzershrek team deserve a medal though, great shot there. Seems like you enjoyed the campaign. I certainly enjoyed reading about it! Thank you very much for all the great AARs, and please do get another campaign running soon.

    Thanks for following the campaign, glad you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed it and one of the joys of writing up the AARs is becoming even more immersed in the unfolding narrative. I don’t like losing, who does? But what is so great about a campaign is that there’s so much to get out of being part of the overall story that I feel as though I’ve contributed to the overall outcome regardless of winning or losing.

    We will get another campaign up and running in a few weeks. In the meantime, while we try to decide what we do play next, we will play a couple of other periods and rule sets for a change of pace and subject.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

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