Home Forums WWII CoC Gembloux Gap campaign (updated 24 02 20)

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    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    My first post in this forum. I recognise a few familiar names and avatars here, so can see I am amongst friends. I thought I would share this latest update to my ongoing Chain of Command campaign ‘Taking the Gembloux Gap’. We have reached the third map but have played six games of the campaign. All the AARs for the previous games can be found at the link for the most recent AAR for Scenario 3 Blitz on Villeroux which is here https://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/01/gembloux-gap-scenario-3-blitz-on.html


    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoTony S

    Welcome to this forum! I used to be regularly on another forum, but for various reasons I left for this one. Quite happy about that decision!

    Anyway, what a cracking AAR you posted! Not only are the photos great (are those Stuka shadows on the ground I see?) but The actual battle sounded like an exciting and nailbiting game! Although as a proud owner of a French CoC platoon and supports, the outcome was a trifle disappointing. Quelle triste.

    Although we’ve played a lot of CoC, we still haven’t gotten around to actually playing one of the pint sized campaigns. And I distinctly remember solemnly swearing New Year’s 2019 that I would play in one! Although I did finish a couple of other campaigns last year for other rules at least.

    I was also impressed with your terrain. You did a great job in translating the maps to the tabletop.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Wonderful table.

    Avatar photoMike

    Nice report, and fair play for making vrrrrrrm brrrrrrrm noises too!

    Thanks for joining.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I really thought that 75 was going to lay down a lot more hurt on the Jerries, but that last turn probably saved an even bigger bloodbath.  That storming of the JoP was magnificent!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Thanks, glad you enjoyed it (despite the French defeat!). Those are indeed shadows from the Stuka on the table, well spotted, but before you think that’s an advert for my masterful Photoshop skills I’ll have to confess that it’s just a natural shadow. We simply suspend the model with fishing line over the table, it’s about as old school as things can get.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Welcome to this forum! I used to be regularly on another forum, but for various reasons I left for this one. Quite happy about that decision! Anyway, what a cracking AAR you posted! Not only are the photos great (are those Stuka shadows on the ground I see?) but The actual battle sounded like an exciting and nailbiting game! Although as a proud owner of a French CoC platoon and supports, the outcome was a trifle disappointing. Quelle triste. Although we’ve played a lot of CoC, we still haven’t gotten around to actually playing one of the pint sized campaigns. And I distinctly remember solemnly swearing New Year’s 2019 that I would play in one! Although I did finish a couple of other campaigns last year for other rules at least. I was also impressed with your terrain. You did a great job in translating the maps to the tabletop.

    Thanks, glad you enjoyed it (despite the French defeat!). Those are indeed shadows from the Stuka on the table, well spotted, but before you think that’s an advert for my masterful Photoshop skills I’ll have to confess that it’s just a natural shadow. We simply suspend the model with fishing line over the table, it’s about as old school as things can get.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    We now reach scenario 4 Get the Guns! So far the Germans have enjoyed a string of three successive scenario victories, all bought at a cheap price with no permanent casualties. With a weak French platoon trying to hold on for support to arrive, is this another chance for the Germans to maintain their momentum? Full AAR here http://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/02/gembloux-gap-scenario-4-get-guns.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That was a really rough one for the Germans. I wonder how differently the game would have gone had the Panhard been delayed by the Stukas?  The rolls certainly did not favor the Jerrys this time at all!  Looking forwards to the counterattack.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    That was a really rough one for the Germans. I wonder how differently the game would have gone had the Panhard been delayed by the Stukas?

    There was a 50/50 chance the Panhard would make it through the Stuka bombardment, so it may not have been delayed more than a few turns, if at all, so I don’t think it would have made a major difference. Despite some bad luck that threw my plan into disarray it ended up being a fairly close run thing in the end.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photovtsaogames

    What a fight! Great report.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    The campaign begins to draw towards its climax. French success in the last game has inspired a local counter attack. If they can push the Germans back to Map 3 then they have the chance to win a major campaign victory in the final game. But can the French do it? Full AAR here https://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/02/gembloux-gap-game-9-counter-attack-at.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photowillz

    A dam fine yarn an excellent AAR, thanks for sharing.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Another great AAR.  Those PzIIIs are really lucky with that Souma’s gun being disabled, that could have gotten ugly.

    I really like the the whole “leaders opinion/troops opinion” and acceptance rolls.  Is that a general feature of CoC or just this particular campaign?  It seems to really add a lot of flavor and nuance to the tactical decision making.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Another great AAR. Those PzIIIs are really lucky with that Souma’s gun being disabled, that could have gotten ugly. I really like the the whole “leaders opinion/troops opinion” and acceptance rolls. Is that a general feature of CoC or just this particular campaign? It seems to really add a lot of flavor and nuance to the tactical decision making.

    The opinions of CO and men are part of the campaign system and feature in every campaign. They add an important dimension because they are not just there for narrative flavour. The CO’s opinion rises with your success and that has advantages like extra support in following games, however if those victories come with a lot of casualties it will lower the men’s opinion and damage your force morale. You cannot be cavalier with the lives off your men to please the CO, you need to find a balance. Rules for the campaigns (opinions, tracking casualties, promoting leaders, calculating replacements etc) are all in the supplement ‘At the Sharp End’, a downloadable pdf from TooFatLardies. The campaigns add a lot to the game experience, it’s where CoC really shines.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Brilliant, thank you!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Very pretty game. I like the cinematic look of the stuka, Also like the flow of battle, felt very authentic.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    Very pretty game. I like the cinematic look of the stuka, Also like the flow of battle, felt very authentic.

    Thanks. I always thought that for these AARs just writing that there had been a Stuka bombardment was never going to be enough. I made the Stuka solely to do that and I’m really pleased with the way it works. All we do is suspend it over the table on fishing line while I take a few pictures. Simple but effective.

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

    Avatar photoTactical Painter

    So, the campaign comes down to the wire. If the French can win this next game then they earn a narrow campaign victory. This has been a tough slog for my Germans but can they deny the French that victory right at the final game? It’s all to play for. The full AAR is here https://thetacticalpainter.blogspot.com/2020/02/gembloux-gap-game-ten-get-guns-round-two.html

    The Tactical Painter - painting miniature armies for battles on the table top.

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