Home Forums Modern Cuba Libre – Liberation Batrep 4

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    Avatar photoJust Jack



    It’s 0545 on 1 Feb 1990, and E Airborne Infantry Company, 2nd CLA Airborne Battalion, has been dispatched to seize a key hilltop position near El Rincon (on Hwy 122, just east of the Bay of Pigs), held by elements of the 89th Provincial Militia Company, 5th Territorial Infantry Battalion.

    In the overall scheme of things, CLA SOF Squadrons B and C have stricken blows to degrade regime C4ISR capabilities, and 1st Para Bn dropped in the west to shield the west landing site at Playa Colorada, and now 2nd Para Bn is dropping near El Rincon, just east of the Bay of Pigs, to shield the Bay of Pigs landing site from the Cuban Cienfuegos garrison.

    Highway 122 is the key artery running along the coast, east-west into the Bay of Pigs. The Cuban 5th Territorial Infantry Battalion has forces overlooking the Highway just east of the town of El Rincon, and E Company, 2nd Para Bn, is tasked seizing this position. Failure to do so will leave the route open for attack on the landing beaches.

    The E Company Paratroopers: Command Stand (Captain Halabrio), five Airborne rifle teams, an 81mm mortar, a MILAN ATGM team, and a single leader figure representing Colonel Salvino Carreno, 2nd Airborne Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer.

    The pro-Castro force: Command Stand, six rifle stands, two LMG stands, and a dedicated RPG stand (three of the rifle stands also have RPGs).

    Overview, north is up. The enemy force is in the north, the CLA paras in the south. The objective is Hill 81 at top left. Please note the civilians on the battlefield.

    Captain Halabrio’s command section rushes to usher the innocent civilians out of the line of fire (top right), while Para Team 1 lays down heavy fire (bottom right).

    Overall, another great game, which came within a whisker of Colonel Carreno ordering Captain Halabrio to withdraw his men to regroup. See the entire batrep here:

    One more batrep yet to come, so stay tuned.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Good game Just Jack !!! I like the 10mm Water Buffaloes ….

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    A very interesting game and an excellent report. It was lucky for the CLA airborne had Halabrio Lekter leading them so that he could get to the top of the hill and then have a nice snack of Chianti and fava beans! The civilian dimension was an interesting twist. I was surprised that the CLA was issuing 81mm mortars to the line companies. Those are pretty heavy and the ammo would be limited even if it was dispersed throughout all ranks. Do airborne units have 81’s or do they have 60mm mortars? I must admit I have no idea.

    Well time is at a premium right now so thanks for posting CL4 and I am looking forward to CL5.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Kyote – Thanks man; still waiting on your Cold War batreps 😉

    Rod – Yeah, Halabrio was a man and a half in that fight, for which he was properly decorated, though he had lima beans, not fava; he’s in the Army now.

    Regarding 81mm mortars, I know US Airborne is issues 81s, not sure about other countries.  I’m not being a strict T/O guy here, so the 81 could have been from Weapons Company, attached to E Company.  To be honest, I’m just having fun and not getting very wrapped up in it, though again I’ll say that it’s certainly plausible to have battalion mortars in support.  The real life aspect would be those mortars are off table for such a small fight (area wise), but hey, I want what I want 😉

    From practical experience, we had 60s in the rifle companies and 81s in Weapons Company.  We never did it in ‘real life,’ but we trained several times a year humping with all weapons and ammo, and the 81s were expected to do 24 miles in 8 hours, just like the rest of us, with tube, base plate, and ammo spread through the column.

    Glad you’re enjoying them, #5 coming up.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I’m going to The Warlords Game day in Midwest City today and have a FOW D-day game tomorrow, I’ll try to get some pics and post them on facebook.  I’ll try to do Team Rebel next week when the rain returns..

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