Home Forums Ancients DBA 3.0 Review

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  • #118193
    Avatar photovtsaogames

    I updated my old review of DBA for the newest edition, 3.0 (released 2014). Never do anything too precipitately. https://corlearshookfencibles.blogspot.com/

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood


    Very good and fair review.  As for food, I  use the Chinese food analogy. Always tasty but somehow is not completely satisfying.  Like you, I  would happily play them again…even after a long layoff.


    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    --Abraham Lincoln

    Avatar photovtsaogames

    I had to correct a couple items. A guy from the Fanaticus forum noted I had a couple concepts from previous version in the review. It’s good to be called out on that because I am going to teach the rules to some of our crew soon.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Nice review.  As you say, it seems to do more historical justice to certain armies over others, punishing those which rely on long drawn-out attrition (like Parthian horse archers or similar).  On the other hand, that could be said of many other rules as well.  I don’t think DBA does notably badly for historical simulation either compared to many other period rules.


    I will just mention too that by putting plenty of 6mm or 2mm figures on each base, then there is plenty of mass on even small tables (my Roman DBA army will typically have c.350 6mm figures).

    Avatar photovtsaogames

    Very good and fair review. As for food, I use the Chinese food analogy. Always tasty but somehow is not completely satisfying. Like you, I would happily play them again…even after a long layoff.


    Being half-Chinese, I prefer to use the burger-and-fries analogy.


    Whirlwind, I am contemplating New Kingdom Egyptians and Hittites in 6mm. But first I think I’ll give it a trial with card elements. If that gets some enthusiasm, then I’ll shock the lads with tiny folks. But first, my 15mm Vendee rebel project…

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood


    6mm on 25mm groundscale  (i.e. 60mm) bases look very impressive indeed. AFAIK Baccus still offers special packs for this option.

    Avatar photoSteve Burt

    I’ve often played DBA in 28mm with 4 x 60mm bases mounted on a sabot. Certainly looks impressive and much more like an army-level game.

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