Home Forums Sci Fi General Sci-Fi Death Guard Poxwalkers

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    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Any one have any ideas for alternative pox walkers… Undead space zombies with plague… I need four more to flesh out a unit to complete a small Death Guard force but do not want to pay ebay prices for 10.


    Ideas or inspiration?

    Avatar photoMike

    Any pics as to what they look like?

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Mantic deadzone or firefight plague zombies should work

    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    I did glance at the Mantic models… I have net been very find of there GW alternatives, but do love the Hellboy board game so will take a second look at the plague zombies.


    Here is a pic for insperation…


    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    I think the Mantic ones look yo much like they have been hitting the steroids to much. They also have a feel if being a bit off somehow, something I have with there models compared to other brands for some reason. I do quite like their fantasy zombies but not sure they will fit alongside the ones I already have as they have no tenticles.

    Avatar photoThe Red Hobbit

    Reaper Minis has a fair number of strange undead creatures for very cheap, although scale might be an issue.  If you do want to go with GW, they recently did another release for the Gellerpox infected for Kill Team, you could use them as stand-ins for Pox Walkers, but of course you’re stuck paying GW prices.

    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    I am a reaper fan, but looks like the joys of the exchange rates has increased the prices a fair bit since I last picked some up.

    Think I will keep hunting ebay for a bargain hopefully…

    Avatar photoAmpersand Andy

    Got a sprue of the 6 figure easy fit poxwalkers I can send your way buckshee if you like.


    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Andy, that would be great if they really are going spare…

    Avatar photoAmpersand Andy

    Steven, going spare and driving me spare, mocking me for my impulsiveness from the pile of shame. PM me your address and I’ll pass them on.


    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Any hints on how to send a pm? Can’t seem to find any way but probably as my brain is fried by London…

    Avatar photoMike

    Front page:

    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Mike’s.. Thanks… Obvious when you know where to look.




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