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    Avatar photoSane Max

    I have never been big on the things. I have painted a few, but don’t own one. And I have a hankering to.

    what would everyone say is an ace dragon in 28mm?

    (Can I mention I really liked the old GW dragons with the plastic wings. Plastic wings were such an obviously good idea.)

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Reaper has some fantastic dragons, and in that “bones” material.  Inexpensive compared to most metal dragons their size, and they paint up very well.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoKitfox

    Heresy Miniatures, the only dragon I’ve ever liked enough to buy and paint.  You can still buy an “imperfect” one but I’ll be honest from what I’ve heard his idea of imperfect puts most many other suppliers quality control to shame anyway.

    Death to all fanatics!

    Avatar photoMike

    I would go for a toy:


    Avatar photoSane Max

    gosh, that is pretty I admit

    Avatar photoMike

    gosh, that is pretty I admit

    There are quite a few and they are big, cheap and ready painted.
    Though nothing a bit of touching up would not make better.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    the painting is the reason I want one – any idea if they can be stripped?

    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    I like the ones from Warploque miniatures, they’re a bit different but I like the style.


    Avatar photoSane Max

    hey ho…. I went with Reaper, and bought one called Marthungrul. He seems Like a lovely chap. to make him fit in with my army I decided to go with White and silver as his colour scheme – to match the Teutonic Knights.

    Problem is it looks rubbish. Too much contrast between the White wings and Body and the metallic silver Horny Uppers, ‘fingers’ on the wings etc.

    Well, two new things in one week – I have ordered some Simple Green, there’s a UK stockist now. I have never stripped a plastic figure very successfully, wish me luck. Next time he will be blue-white and darker blue instead. Two Dragons painted for £27 – not so bad





    Avatar photoNorthern Monkey

    late response but you have gone with who i would have recommended, i have a bunch of reaper bones dragons in different sizes and have had no complaints with them.

    As for stripping plastic, I have had great results with regular household Dettol(the brown stuff) on some old Blood Bowl minis (ie hard plastic), although I have never tried it on whatever reaper bones is made out of.

    My attempt at a Blog: http://ablogofwar.blogspot.co.uk/

    Avatar photoPatrice

    Toy dragons are cheap and you can imagine many things with them.

    Some years ago I found a silly statue in a car boot sale, I painted it and I scratch-built a small temple, I imagined a story…

    And with some proper magic the statue could turn into a real dragon! (a toy, also painted)…

    …and attack a small troop of opposite players…

    …but after killing some of them, the magic disappears and it becomes a statue again.




    Avatar photoSane Max

    after adding a few layers more paint, I am starting to sort of like it – pale brown basecoat highlighted up with shades of cream to white, with the top scales closer to Mithril silver, so less sharp contrast than earlier on. Badly painted of course, I recognise my limitations – but badly painted in colours I can live with.

    I never had any success with Dettol, eveything just went grungey. Less Pine Oil in Dettol i understand.

    But after this one purchase I am a keen fan of Reaper Bones. One of my side areas are 20mm plastic, and it always has bugged me that there were no 28mm one-piece plastic companies out there, we would benefit from cheaper toys, and the higher turnover of our hobby would drive technology so they developed a plastic you can reliably paint – and TADA – A dream come true with Reaper Bones.

    I just am sad they are focused on the d&d single figure market, I would but armies from them like a shot

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Nice Toys Patrice! I have several pound shop toy monsters in my 20mm fantasy collection and rate them very highly. Now I dont have a dragon to strip with the simple green i ordered, i may well buy some more and see if it can strip the factory paintjobs from them.

    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    Toy dragons are cheap and you can imagine many things with them. Some years ago I found a silly statue in a car boot sale, I painted it and I scratch-built a small temple, I imagined a story… And with some proper magic the statue could turn into a real dragon! (a toy, also painted)… …and attack a small troop of opposite players… …but after killing some of them, the magic disappears and it becomes a statue again.

    That looks awesome Patrice, nice story too.

    Nice Toys Patrice! I have several pound shop toy monsters in my 20mm fantasy collection and rate them very highly. Now I dont have a dragon to strip with the simple green i ordered, i may well buy some more and see if it can strip the factory paintjobs from them.

    Looking forward to see what you found and painted.



    Avatar photoPatrice

    The full dragon story is a bit longer and is VERY silly, I’ve just found it again it’s there:


    The statue still has a small and worn sticker underneath, it reads: Jade House Crafts 78 Skinner St. Stockton-on-Tees (and an old phone number)…




    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    The full dragon story is a bit longer and is VERY silly, I’ve just found it again it’s there: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77336.msg946400#msg946400 The statue still has a small and worn sticker underneath, it reads: Jade House Crafts 78 Skinner St. Stockton-on-Tees (and an old phone number)…

    Hahahaha 😂 what a story. A miraculous way to stop being a virgin, I almost couldn’t stop laughing.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Looking forward to see what you found and painted.

    I am a big fan of strippers and stripping. (steady there) I enjoy messing about with different methods and strange domestic chemicals, and have settled on a favourite. But I have never bothered stripping plastic before, so it’s going to be a whole new world of adventure

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Well now, I have tried simple Green and I am not impressed.

    3 weeks in Simple Green for a plastic skink and a plastic saurus, and 3 weeks in plain water for two identical figures- . same end result, the paint is unsurprisingly softened by prolonged immersion and a lot comes off, but only the surfaces.

    Back to not bothering stripping Plastics for me.

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