Home Forums WWII ERM closed!

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  • #157054
    Avatar photoRob young

    ERM, makers of Platoon 20 figures (plus others), have put the following on there website:

    17/5/21 – It’s time for me to retire. Ranges of miniatures and related equipment will be up for sale shortly.

    Rob Young

    Avatar photoRuarigh

    All things considered, I’m not particularly surprised that Tony is calling time now. He’s had a rough time of late and the current situation can’t be making things easy for him. I hope he has a good retirement. I’ll miss his excellent customer service and superfast turnaround.

    Never argue with an idiot. They'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


    Avatar photoOB

    Always had great service from ERM.  I wish Tony an enjoyable retirement.


    Avatar photoKrieghund

    Never had anything other than first rate service from ERM.

    Hope you enjoy your retirement Sir.



    Hi all just to let you all know, we acquired Platoon 20 and they are now available at East Front Miniatures.

    Take care


    East Front Miniatures produces high quality 10mm, 15mm and 20mm (Platoon 20 & Sojers) scale pewter miniatures and scenery. https://east-front-miniatures.com/

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