Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi First forays into Horizon Wars

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    Avatar photoNic Wright

    Some of you may already have seen these on Friendface, but I have recently started taking steps into the brave new world of Sci-fi gaming with Horizon Wars. Actually, I already play both Samurai Robot Battle Royale and Mighty Monsters for Ganesha Games, but sci-fi is still a bit outside of my comfort zone which usually ends around 1700.

    My humans in SRBR and HW are the same faction, the European Empire (strength through ever closer union). I have put together a 30 Presence battle group – which I know is very large – but it is hard to stop a 6mm project once it starts…

    Can’t wait to get in a few more games!


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Do like, also the Gear, but it looks a bit dirty and Northern to me?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    oooh the old GW Imperial Walker things too!


    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Those are rather nice. I’ve just received my copy of the rules and from a first glance, they do look rather nice. Might try and get a trial game in this weekend…

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I tried waiting to finish my miniatures before I played. But I couldn’t so I ended up playing with half finished mechs. Just get some games going. The rules are amazing.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I like the “One Mech With Support” model – it has a nice look on the battlefield. Really great work on your figures there! Reminds me I have armies to finish up, myself!

    Avatar photoNic Wright

    Cheers gents. This weekend I’m taking part in a big Battle of Jutland game, and then next weekend diving into HW head on!


    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Luckily I have enough painted minis for some small ‘try the rules’ games, with plenty as ‘works in progress’.

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