Home Forums Terrain and Scenery Flocking brilliant!

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  • #70898
    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I suppose all you clever chaps have known the expert way to flock for years.

    However, thanks to this Terrain Tutor video, I have been admitted to flocking secrets:

    For those of you without the time to watch, the chief trick is to use 3 tone flocks. Just like you paint with a mid tone, shade & highlight, so do you flock with three types of flocking. Brilliant!

    I’ve been working on a piece of swamp-terrain & it looks very good.


    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Cheers Donald, good find! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    The Terrain Tutor is the only terrain-crafting Youtube channel I’ve ever watched, but I like it a lot. This particular video isn’t terribly relevant for me personally, as I prefer to paint over all my terrain (even flock) to achieve a deliberately less photo-realistic, more “comic book” look, but I’m just an anomaly that way, and I completely back the recommendation to watch The Terrain Tutor’s videos.

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