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    Avatar photoDan Kennedy

    I found all my old Full Thrust rules during a clear-put recently, and I’m wondering if anyone here can help me out.

    So there’s Full/More Thrust, plus the Fleet Books from GZG, but at so point I printed out various other expansions/re-works such as FT:Remixed, FT:Continuum and some other bits and pieces.

    I’m trying to save space; does anyone know what are the generally ‘agreed’ settled rules for Full Thrust, or is it still very much whatever people prefer?

    I’ve seen reference to a ‘Full Thrust 2.5’ on the GZG website, but I can’t quite work out what rules comprise that.

    Haven’t played it in years and I’m giving serious consideration to a play by email game with a mate, would just like to use the most mature version of the rules as I’m guessing it’ll give the best experience.


    Avatar photoKitfox

    I’d say the most up-to-date/ playable  version is Full Thrust Cross Dimensions.  While it’s a fan made edition, it was written with the endorsement of GZG and seems to stay true to the  rules. The latest version I could find was June 2021 so pretty recently updated and easily found via Google.

    From what I recall the “official” version 2.5 just refers to the base game including the rules from fleet books 1 and 2 so if you have those you’re already on v2.5.

    Death to all fanatics!

    Avatar photoJames Rivera

    I’ll second Kitfox.  I also believe Cross Dimension is the most complete and updated collection of rules.  You could also ask over at the Full Thrust Facebook page.  It’s very active and has a ton of fan made files to download.





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