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    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Has anyone tried these and what were your results/opinions? I picked up a few for one of the WI personality figures for a friend and I think they will make figures go a bit faster but I don’t really see much use on vehicles/ships/planes. They should open up added options on terrain.

    Lord Flashheart

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    I haven’t tried them but that’s a lovely bit of brushwork.


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Interesting, you got me googling this.
    Seems like they’re ink for a wash kind of technique. I’m curiious how well easy/difficult it is in practice to cover the model with primer.

    From the pic it looks like it suits clothing very well.

    edit: I’m thinking of experimenting with this fir flesh.

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    It is kind of an ink wash on steroids. Fills the low spots with a darker/heavier amount of pigment while leaving the higher spots lighter quite well. I used the Guilliman Flesh on the face and was pleased and the darker yellow did a nice job on blond hair. I think it will be good on flesh, clothes, capes and even fur and at least on Flashheart, one coat pretty much did everything but the highlighting and some of the detail stuff like belts and buttons.

    I tried one of the greens on a 1/300 Stuka for Cruel Seas and on that, was not pleased. For flat artificial areas on things like vehicles. planes and ships, I don’t see much application.

    I’m trying it on some Cruel Seas lighthouses next week and we’ll see how it works on stonework, brick and glass. I think it should work OK but getting it even on tall structure type models may be a chore. I also have 14 Saga-type Saxons that will get the multiple figure time test to see just how much quicker this may let me paint.

    I sprayed Flashheart with white primer but from what I’m seeing online, an off-white such as a spray skeleton bone type color may work better at least on figures.


    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoThorsten Frank

    Interested following!

    "In strange grammar this one writes" - Master Yoda

    Avatar photoMike

    Flashy looks quite good.
    How long did it take?

    Avatar photoMatthew Hipkin

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    All told it took maybe an hour including the basing. That was broken up into 5 minute bits as there was time in between waiting for a color or fiber paste in the case of the base to dry.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoVanth SpiritWalker

    i achieved similar results by simply mixing my own with Vallejo Glaze Medium and regular paint or inks. They look nice but are appallingly overpriced even for GW. I coul dbuy three pots of Vallejo for the price of a single Contrast, there is nothing that can justify this for me

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    here’s my first attempt. Took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to do this one, rather than about 90 for my previous dwarves.


    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    I like it. How did you do the gold? Also, what blue did you use?

    I just finished painting (but not some needed washes on details and a bit of drybrushing plus basing) 12 Gripping Beast Saxon archers and I estimate it cut my time by about 50%.

    I’m retired but find myself way busier than I ever was when working and don’t really care about the cost on small stuff such as paints nearly as much as time saving.



    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    The gold was just army painter gold paint, whatever they call it, and dabbed soft tone over it. The blue is Talassar Blue contrast.

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    GB Saxon Archers

    I painted these in essentially 6 hours start to finish. Nothing has been highlighted or dry brushed except the darkest green and blue and even there, only slightly.

    Things I learned.

    1) It is fast. While more work could be done, it does allow for a fast job with the flesh. hair, tunic, pants/leggings, and shoes all done with contrast leaving only bows, bow cases, belts and daggers for the traditional painting/wash.

    2) I did not like the darker colors such as Ultramarine Blue, Dark Angels Green and Gygor Brown. They were essentially paint in that they covered with little or no contrast. Maybe thinned with medium but straight out of the bottle, these darker colors are nothing special.

    3) I primed white while looking at You-tube ‘how to’s’ it seems GW recommends a couple of very light grays Gray Seer and Wraithbone. I may try one of those eventually but for now I’ve plenty of other primers.

    4) I limited the palette to just those Contrast colors I have. My FLGS has sold these by the gross and several of the most popular colors have been unavailable. I will be interested in trying those when the initial buying frenzy tapers off.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

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