Home Forums Terrain and Scenery How would you harden foam?

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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I want to make foliage clumps hard, but don’t know how to do it. I’ve tried soaking them in PVA and paint, but neither worked.
    Any advice? Experience?

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    I’ve found pva has worked OK for me, but it depends how hard you want it? You could try water based lacquer/varnish instead of the pva and see if that works.

    Avatar photoMike

    I have used pva mixed with water and washing up liquid.
    I then spray it with a clear acrylic coat, or many coats.
    Not solid solid but ok.

    Avatar photoUsagitsuki

    I also use a mix of PVA and water (maybe 1 part PVA to 2 or 3 of water), and a drop of washing-up liquid to break the surface tension of the water. Then use an old Vallejo dropper bottle and drip the mix onto foliage/flowers/trees etc.

    Avatar photowillz

    I have on the odd occasion accidently dropped super glue foliage, it went rock hard, though at times you get a white stain of  the glue which you can paint out (when dry).

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    can you describe that a little more, so I could replicate it?

    Avatar photowillz

    I take it you mean the foam based foliage from Woodland scenic’s or similar, just super glue foliage onto base and drop a small amount over the piece of foam foliage.  Hopefully it won’t go white but if it does after it dries paint it out.  Always do this in a well ventilated room.

    Does this help.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    It soak into the foam and doesn’t just clump on the surface?
    I’ll give it a try.
    Did you use the medium or thin stuff?

    Avatar photoEtranger

    I just put a spray matt varnish over all. It stiffens the foam up, & perhaps more importantly, stops it coming loose again.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    for woodland scenics clump foliage? watered down Mod Podge, or the home made version, (1 part indoor varnish that does what it says on the tin, one part pva glue, a squirt of washing up liquid and enough water to make it thinner than paint, soak and leave to dry. I just made a batch of it and can vouch for it.)

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Thanks I’ll give that a try if the superglue method doesn’t work. Is “indoor varnish” floor varnish? Waterbased I’m guessing?

    Avatar photoSane Max

    yeah, the indoor varnish is water based, outdoor is solvent based.

    I used Wilkinson’s own brand, and it’s gloss, as that’s what I had in the house – works just as well and loses its gloss thanks to all the PVA and washing up liquid. I use it for solidifying fabric, sealing terrain and also sticking labels on stuff 🙂 I really slap it on and it dries in a few hours.


    I have yet to experiment with the unthinned down mixture, it does seem very mod-podge reminiscent.

    the superglue method works fine, I just always try to avoid using it when I can, years of working with the stuff means I am deffo developing sensitivity to the fumes, and i hate the cloudiness and misting you can get with it sometimes.

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