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    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I know there’s some antipathy on this forum in some quarters towards Infinity, but I’m a huge fan and am really enjoying painting the latest miniatures releases.  Here’s a PanOceania ORC Trooper from the Operation: Icestorm boxed set:

    I think these are spectacular minis for an outstanding SF skirmish game.



    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I know there’s some antipathy on this forum in some quarters towards Infinity

    Is there?
    I really like most of their stuff, it has a great aesthetic.

    Avatar photoTwoGunBob

    I’d say I might have apathy towards the game. It just never grabbed me enough to divert hobby dollars into it. All said I think it’s an excellent job on the miniature. One of my complaints is that the only Infinity minis I see on forums is usually the studio paint job. I like to see passionate fans sharing their paint jobs.

    Avatar photoQuaker

    Only antipathy I have towards it is how many figures seem to be in a “look how cool I am” pose rather than a combat pose. Nothing wrong with that in heroes, but even most basic troopers seem to be doing it.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    And with that encouragement, here’s another: the Mobile Brigada for the Nomads faction:

    Avatar photoSplod

    Great work mate. Absolutely love the mask on the MB too, even if it is a filthy space pirate 😉

    I didn’t realise there was a feeling of antipathy on the boards, I might have to get some shots up of my figures to build awareness.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I don’t want to give the impression that TWW is anti-Infinity! But before I started this thread, I did a search on the forum and all relevant comments were either statements of antipathy or of uninterest.



    I’d like to think that perhaps there is an untapped enthusiasm for the game that just hasn’t revealed itself yet.


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    A wip shot of my Father-Knight for the PanOceania army:


    Avatar photoSplod

    Stunning work mate. It’s interesting seeing the hi-tech Pan-O in camouflage, I’m so used to grey and blue.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    Hurrah!  Finished the Father-Knight at last:


    Avatar photoShandy

    Great work, and keep up the posts! I’d be interested in playing Infinity some time – I’ve heard very good things about the rules, and I like the look of the figures. I also like that it doesn’t seem to be grim-dark-gritty.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    And the finished LE N3 Authorised Bounty Hunter:


    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    And I finished the Nisse.  BTW, for those who might not have noticed, I posted a tutorial on how to paint the camouflage pattern on the coat into the General > General board, as I couldn’t find anywhere else appropriate for mini painting tips and tricks.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So many nice touches, the bases especially.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    And the finished Nomads Spektr:

    Just a couple of minis left from the Icestorm boxed set, now!

    Avatar photoJames Ewins

    Oddly that’s the one I’m just about tostart. Cheers!

    Chief Sarcaster at http://www.exmouthwargames.org.uk/
    Assistant Dogsbody at http://legionaryshow.co.uk/

    Avatar photoTwoGunBob

    I’m just chiming in to say that’s some excellent brushwork and very inspiring. Alright, I’m speaking into being as I’m taking that inspiration to sit at the paint table and finish at least one more GAFDOZ figure of the Lost Legion. Also finally getting those Flintloque and Golgo Island pics uploaded and posted. I appreciate you taking the time out to share, Robey. Great stuff all around.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    The rules don’t look like something I’d enjoy a lot but the figures are astoundingly awesome.

    I’ve thought of using some of them as giant mecha for 15mm or even 6mm figures.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    The only problem I’ve had with the rules is that they are a very steep learning curve for the new player. Their scope and depth is extremely hard for the new player to quickly accommodate.

    However, I still consider it one of the best small squad tactical games around.

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins


    The one in the middle has green arms.  The other two have grey arms.  What do you think?  All green or all grey?



    Avatar photoMike

    Green is the nicer but maybe needs some green on the legs to tie it together in a uniform theme?

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    Grenzer Sniper from the Operation Icestorm box:


    Avatar photo14th Brooklyn

    Some really nice looking stuff there!

    Visit my blog at http://dhcwargamesblog.wordpress.com/

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    A potential client asked me whether I could match the Corvus Belli Studio painter, Angel Giraldez’s colour scheme for a project and – because I charge by the hour – how long it would take me, so I did a time trial today:

    2 hours, 19 minutes and 45 seconds.  Phew!


    Avatar photoMike

    That is impressive regardless of time, would it be bad form to ask what your hourly rate is?

    Avatar photoRobey Jenkins

    I charge a basic £13.50/hour. However, I will agree a fixed price for projects if a client needs one.


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