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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    A lot of miniatures gamers at least dabble in other tabletop games (RPGs, board games, war games, cards, underwater dice stacking etc.)

    Assuming you have multiple tabletop hobbies, is minis gaming the primary one? (by whatever measure you care to use).

    Avatar photoMike

    Yes, though when full fibre broadband reaches the village I will be doing more videogaming.

    We have a monthly boardgame evening with friends.

    No RPGs since moving up north though.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    In terms of time spent it is definitely computer games (80%) then board games (15%) then tabletop wargames (4%) and then RPGs (1%).

    If I was living my perfect life it would be wargames, computer games, RPGs then board games.

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoTony Hughes

    Definitely wargames. Lots of different scales & periods and mostly historical but a few fantasy & sci-fi (which rarely get used).

    Far more time spent planning, painting, revising rules & designing scenarios than actually playing.

    Also recently looking at solo RPG & always a fan of boardgames.

    Can’t see the point of computer games though, maybe its a generational thing.



    Avatar photowillz

    Mainly figure gaming, sometimes board gaming.   Board gaming is a good way to play campaigns ideas and battle scenarios.


    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Yes. Mostly miniatures and even then, most of my boardgames act as campaign/battle generators for miniature games. We do play a few card games when time is short or to fill gaps between games.

    My computer gaming is still active but between painting and life, it seems to be less than when I was younger.

    I tried an RPG a few years ago and it didn’t really float my boat. Still have, at 72, never played D&D.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.


    Computer games for me right now because I don’t have a group of people to play miniatures games with.  Mount and Blade: Warband is still my game of choice.  I’ve played Ultimate General Civil War to death.  I see that Ultimate General revolution is out now and may be picking that up.  At least they are all miniatures themed.

    I’ve started playing DnD again because that seems to be all that my friends want to play.  That or board games when we don’t have enough people to play DnD with.

    Solo PRG: Getting ready to do some of that.  Probably Whitebox game using the One Page Solo Engine.  Roll and Write style gaming.  Also looking into Blood on the Blade for a solo table to game with rpg elements.



    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    --Abraham Lincoln


    Yes, it used to board games but not anymore. Even my RPG gaming has been more about minis.

    Mick Hayman
    Margate and New Orleans

    Avatar photoOlaf Meys

    Other than wargaming, I also build models and play in two regular RPG sessions.

    wargames review site...

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I would say table top miniature wargaming is my main hobby. I am also a big board game player, but don’t play as often as I would like, although that will change as my children accept more complex games. I used to be quite a PC gamer but haven’t really been serious about that in 10 years. I will fire up an old favourite every now and then, but haven’t done so in probably two years. A gaming computer is not a priority right now.


    Yes. I do some RPG sessions with my wife, and I do play board-wargames (and use them in class), but miniature gaming has now become the main tabletop gaming.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    I currently appear to be someone who talks about gaming, paints a little, and reads bits and pieces but doesn’t do much of anything. I assumed when I retired that life would be one glorious cornucopia of ludic entertainment. This seems not to be the case. I am as yet unclear how this state of affairs came to pass.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    I currently appear to be someone who talks about gaming, paints a little, and reads bits and pieces but doesn’t do much of anything. I assumed when I retired that life would be one glorious cornucopia of ludic entertainment. This seems not to be the case. I am as yet unclear how this state of affairs came to pass.

    +1 on this though I do know how it came about!


    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Buying miniatures followed by painting miniatures and gaming with them is in third place

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Miniature tabletop gaming is my primary focus.  I do occasionally do boardgaming and am looking to do more boardgaming in the future.  Mainly wargaming boardgames but do play some more general boardgames. Narrative solo SF RPG is another minority interest.

    Avatar photoLogain

    Minature gaming as described by Fairoaks – 1/3, Boardgames 1/3, computer games 1/3.

    Avatar photoMartinR

    In time spent order for me, it would be:

    Video games (winter), Painting figures (summer)

    Figure games (the vast majority)


    We play a couple of hours a week remotely and meet up f2f once a month to play games. I spend far longer than that each week just painting or mysteriously racking up hundreds of logged hours on computer RPGs.




    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoAlan Hamilton

    Almost entirely wargaming in a whole range of genres – historical, fantasy, pulp, gothic horror, zombies/post apocalypse and more.  Very occasional scifi – Doctor Who, Stargate.

    Board games when setting up or writing up figure games.

    Avatar photoPadre

    Miniatures, yes. Except in our campaign, the actual wargames are a rare treat, as there is also the modelling, painting and scenery making. Then there is the GMing. And also the scene setting up, photography and the story writing. Then there is the audio recording and the video making. All because of the miniatures campaign. (Which is probably the slowest wargames campaign in all history, being many years old already.)

    I didn’t realise my hobby would turn into so many hobbies!

    Edit: Just made this picture for the current story …

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoTony S

    Last year I played a miniatures tabletop game in 55 sessions, seven of which were solo affairs.  And played a single boardgame over a couple of evenings, so that’s what? A 96% miniature bias?

    Haven’t played RPGs since I was a teen, haven’t played computer games in a few years either.  I don’t mind boardgames, but honestly just enjoy everything else that surrounds tabletop gaming that boardgames don’t have – scenarios, painting, research.

    That said, the one boardgame I played was with a very good friend that just retired.  I keep telling myself that when I retire, I’ll definitely be playing more boardgames, although some of the contrarian replies here about that very thing worry me a trifle…

    Avatar photoPaint it Pink

    Sadly, mostly making and painting miniatures with talking about, or writing about wargaming, followed by very little wargaming.

    One is good, more is better

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I guess I didn’t intend to emphasise the gaming part as much as the miniatures part. Painting, building and tinkering is certainly hobby to me 🙂

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    I would estimate that 75% of my nonathletic gaming is miniature table-top gaming, 20% is hex-board and counter wargames and about 5% is other games. I do not include card games in this total but that might bump up the “other games” category to 7% and would alter the other two categories marginally. I do not play computer games.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoPunkrabbitt

    OK, let’s assume that miniatures gaming as a hobby includes all the aspects: painting miniatures, making scenery, playing games, reading rules, etc. That means 90% of my tabletop gaming time is miniatures gaming as a hobby. The other 10% is spent perusing and planning RPGs that will never be played. Of course, I spend about ten times as much time playing World Of Warcraft with my wife than tabletop gaming.

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    Avatar photogreg954

    Building, painting and generally assembling the war game. Don’t play much anymore. However, I might have someone interested in playing Gaslands when I’ve finished it.  Haven’t played video games for the last few months. Do play board games and card games now and again.

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