Home Forums WWII KG Klink, Poland, Game 5

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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    It’s 1100, 1 Sept 1939, and the counterattack by the Polish 21st Armored and 12th Uhlan Regiments has been spectacularly successful, except for two issues: 1) they didn’t really have a plan for success, so after breaking beating back 4th Panzer Division (and KG Klink) they drove about another kilometer, then lost their forward impetus, and just sort of milled about until 4th Panzer could mount a counterattack of its own to drive them back; and 2) the armor and cavalry pushed through with great speed and no coordination with the 12th Mounted Regiment, who found itself alone while following in trace of the Polish armor.

    So, we find ourselves in the time after successful Polish armored counterattack, but before 4th Panzer’s counterattack, where (mostly) dismounted portions of the Polish 12th Mounted Regiment runs smack into infantry elements of KG Klink, who were moving southeast (to where their armor had just been punished) when enemy activity was spotted to the east. The two forces met on the fly, neither expecting the enemy to be where they found him.

    The opposing forces: The Poles, with their CO, three squads of cavalry, and nine rifle squads. As the 21st Armored had left them behind, in their haste to move forward they have left their heavy weapons struggling to catch up.

    The German force, with their CO (again in action is the Schutzen Company Commander, 1st Lt Freitag, recipient of the Iron Cross 2nd Class for his actions at the frontier), portions of his Weapons Platoon (two x MG34 and 1 x 80mm mortar), and the better parts of two infantry platoons. Both have 1 x HQ section and 2 x rifle squad, being 1st Platoon under Cadet Hinkle (with his 1st and 2nd Squads, the 2nd under Sgt Haas, also an Iron Cross 2nd Class recipient from the frontier), and the 3rd Platoon under 2nd Lt Tausch (with his 1st and 4th Squads).

    Overview, north is up, Germans on the left (west) and Poles on the right (east). Both sides are starting on their baseline. The hill and the ville are the same from the KG’s mechanized attack a few hours ago. You can still see two Panzers burning on the hill, and a number of casualties from both sides lying about.

    Things started well, then got a little crazy on the hill. For the whole batrep, please visit the blog:


    I won, but it was much more difficult than it should have been. Another thing that’s funny is about heroes; I really was trying to get Lt Freitag and Sgt Haas (the guys that already won the Iron Cross) into positions to further demonstrate their personal bravery, but it just didn’t work out that way, though Sgt Haas’ ‘hero’ ability allowed him to rally his troops without activation, which probably saved them from being overrun on the hill. They subsequently got pinned, but stopped the enemy charge with snap fire, which they wouldn’t have been able to do if they were still ‘man down.’

    More to follow.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I think your German dice are cursed Just Jack.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Hell, I won!  Nobody said it was gonna be easy 😉

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Just Jack:

    Good report and an exciting battle. The speed with which you play and post these battles is awesome and leaves me feeling like the French Army high command in 1940 as the panzers sped by! I can’t keep up with the rate and volume of reportage you are doing. However when I get a few minutes to peruse your blog (and not look at the pictures) I do very much enjoy your narrative. So, well done and keep up the good work and I will properly read KG Klink’s Games 3 and 4 ASAP.


    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Thanks Rod.  Yeah, I’m slowing down a bit, but I got a good bit of gaming in during the holidays.  I’ve played eight games so far, should have number 6 posted tomorrow.  I’m hoping to get two or three games in this weekend, but writing is the problem.  You guys better appreciate all this writing!!!! 😉

    I suppose I probably have another 10 fights or so until I’m ready to fast forward to France.  I just received Skirmish Campaigns Ghost Division in the mail, so that will serve as the backbone for my France 1940 campaign.  I like the book, but there’s not much in there for armor.  I’ll have to improvise…


    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Just Jack:

    Some Battles in France which featured Tanks on one or both sides:

    Battle of the Gembloux Gap.

    Battle of Hannut.

    Battle of Houx.

    Battle of Connage.

    Battle of Bulson.

    Battle of Arras.

    Battles of the Aisne River.

    Battle of Stonne.

    Battle of Montcornet.

    Battles of Cambrai. The second battle in particular.

    Battle of Abbeville.

    Battle of Calais.

    Hope that helps.

    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Thanks for the list Rod, I appreciate it!


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