Home Forums Ancients Late Romans – Equites Promoti Seniores 15mm

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    Avatar photoNathan

    Many years ago (1980s!) I bought some Asgard and Minifigs 15mm Late Romans but never completed the army and they sat languishing in the loft through several house moves. The figures are rather dated – lacking in variety and the infantry especially don’t match modern interpretations of how they should look but I recently had a first game of Mortem et Gloriam and decided I’d complete the army using with a mixture of thrift and 1980s nostalgia.

    So far I’ve finished two units of legionaries and now my first cavalry unit: the Equites Promoti Seniori. This is a mix of old painting tidied up and completely newly painted figures.

    I’ve used different Asgard (then Table Top Games, now Alternative Armies) riders and a Minifigs trumpeter mounted on Asgard and Minifigs horses for variety but modified all the shields (apart from the trumpeter) to about the same diameter and added brass spears and javellins to bring them together as a unit with a degree of uniformity.

    On the left is the Asgard figure for Promoti light cavalry, missing from the Alternative Armies range but it turns out they still have the mould (I don’t know about the master) as they sent me one mixed up in an order for LRC7 heavy cavalry with spear. He is mounted on an odd Minifigs horse from the spares box – really wish I had modified the harness, removing those tassels,  to look more like the others. The figure on the right is the Asgard LRC7 heavy cavalry with spear, mounted on an Asgard Roman light cavalry horse. You can’t really see from this angle but I filed his large oval shield down to a circle, about the same size as that of the Promoti.

    I’ve got all the figures from an Auxillia cleaned up, on their painting bases and primed as my next unit of Romans. Slowly getting there!




    Avatar photoOB

    Fine work there Nathan.

    I once had a bunch of  Table Top Games Late Romans too but not the including the Promoti.

    If Alterative Armies started producing the Promoti  again I think I’d buy some.

    I like a bit of thrift and nostalgia too.  Hope to see more of your Late Roman project.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Great looking paint jobs.

    Avatar photoShahbahraz

    Very tasty indeed, those old figures look great.

    --An occasional wargames blog: http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/ --

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